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The next day everyone regrouped at Cassie's work, before her shift.  They shared what they had done on Halloween. When Faye showed the clip of Zane as a wolf, scaring the girl, they all laughed until they saw Zane's face.

"Guys, that wasn't me," Zane said with a straight, serious face.

Cassie's eyes grew huge and Faye said, "wait... WHAT?"

"I didn't shape shift into a wolf. I was behind the house taking a piss."

A look of horror passed over everyone's face, until he cracked a grin.  "Man, you guys are all so gullible.  I'm kidding. It was me.  You should've seen your faces just now...priceless."  Zane laughed at them.

Faye punched him in the arm, "that wasn't funny! You really scared me."

Chris at first was pissed and then shook his head and grinned.  "You haven't got me like that in years.  He use to do that all the time.  That poker face of his, won us a lot of cash when we were on the road."

Jake shook his hand, "you got me man."

Adam wanted to be mad at him, but he had to admit that Zane was good at fooling them.  "I'm never playing poker with you."

Diana changed the subject, "we watched all the classic horror movies, some B movies and stuff.  I still think the movie American Werewolf in London, is the scariest one of all."

"We use to watch that one together," Adam reminisced with a smile.  "Did she hide her face when the guy changed into the wolf?"

Ben laughed, "oh ya. And she freaked when the scene of him and his friend playing with the Mickey Mouse doll came on."

Melissa shuddered, "that was gross. I don't blame Diana for being squeamish.  My favourite movie is the Rocky Horror Picture Show, that's a classic at Hallowe'en. Ben suggested we watch 'A Clockwork Orange,' which is a really twisted movie too."

"I like the cheesy, old school Texas Chainsaw Massacre," Chris added.  

Cassie agreed, "it's so funny compared to today's version, but I'm sure back then it was scary."  She looked at her watch, "circle meeting tonight?"

They all nodded.  Jake asked, "what time and where do you want to meet?"

"Abandoned house at ten," Faye said.

"Well I have to start my shift, so that's good for me." Cassie stood up and went behind the counter.

The others slowly dispersed also.  Jake, Ben, Chris and Adam all headed to the Boathouse to prep for the lunch crowd.  Diana and Melissa were going shopping at the mall.  Faye had an interview at that lingere store, that her and Zane had visited.  It was only part time work, but she would love the discounted merchandise and so would Zane. 

"Will I see you later?" Faye asked Zane.

"I'll be at the antiquities shop," he said.

"Calvin's?" She asked and then remembered he hadn't been in town back then.  "I know the one.  Diana's ex-boyfriend Raiden's mom took over the place. It use to be Calvin's until Jake killed him, back when he was a witch hunter."

Zane nodded, "right.  I remember you guys telling me about all that.  It's an interesting shop, so I'll be there waiting for you."

"Wish me luck?" Faye asked.

He snorted, "you don't need luck, you're a witch.  Use magic on the interviewer and make them hire you."

She laughed, "if I can't get it on my own... then maybe."

He winked at her and kissed her good-bye, then drove the Jeep to the shop. If he ever had to get a job, that's the only place he'd want to work. When he got there, he could feel the magic that radiated off some of the objects in the cases.  He asked the lady who ran the shop about the pieces and their history.  She was impressed with is knowledge and interest.  Before he knew what had happened, Zane agreed to work for her part time.  The wage was just above minimum, but he didn't care.  It wasn't the money he was after, but access to all the things in the store.  They were still talking about an ancient egyptian artifact that had the symbol of Isis on it, when Faye arrived.

"Isis was a protective goddess.  She used powerful magic spells to help people in need, right?" Zane asked.

"Yes.  That amulet over there," the lady pointed to a case beside Faye, "is called the Isis Knot and is a symbol of protection.  A temple was built to honour Isis at Philae and it is still standing today."

Faye asked, "where's Philae?"

Zane replied, "some island in the Nile... if I remember my geography correctly it's upper Egypt."

"Cool.  Are you ready to go?" Faye asked.

He nodded.  "I'll be here tomorrow at noon," he confirmed and shook the owner's hand.

Once they were outside Faye gave him a weird look.

"What?" Zane asked.

"How did you know all that stuff? And what's this about you being there at noon?"

"I love history and anything to do with magic and power.  I'll be working there part time."

She grinned, "wow I didn't expect you to ever get a job."

"Well if you're working, I figured I should too."

"You knew I got the job?" Faye asked surprised.

"Of course you did.  When you put your mind to something, you always get what you want. With or without the use of magic," Zane said and gave her a kiss.  

"I brought something home with me from the shop, want to go and see what it is?" She asked coyly.

"Your place or mine?"

Faye grinned, "mine.  Mom's out with Ethan. He doesn't seem her type, but then again she can boss him around."

"He's a pretty passive guy.  I can't see him having much of a backbone," Zane agreed.

"Maybe she's lonely, since he's the last one around from her old crowd.  Melissa's dad shuns everything to do with magic, so Mom doesn't go near him at all."

"Enough about them, let's focus on us... and more importantly... on you."

Faye kissed him, with pent up passion and he drove all that much faster to her house.  They made it in record time.  He swooped her off her feet and carried her upstairs.  Their union was inevitable.

Secret Circle TV Show: Jake and CassieWhere stories live. Discover now