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After Jake hung up with Cassie, he looked at the items he'd taken from Calvin's storage locker. He didn't know how to use some of them and wondered if he should talk to his grandfather about Faye being out of control. But grandpa Royce was an elder and Jake didn't want the elders stripping their magic too. From what he'd determined from his book of shadows, their generation of witches were stronger than their parents. Every third generation of six witches had stronger dark and light magic. That's why Blackwell created the Balcoin six. Numerology was integrated in all magic. 666 seemed to be in it all; eighteen original witches, six families per circle. 6+6+6= 18, 6 families per 3 circles, 3rd generation of 6, most powerful. He could see why his grandfather was a little crazy, due to constantly analyzing it all.

He also wondered how Kate and Diana's magic compared to Cassie's. From what they'd learned from the crystal skull's formation, Cassie was the one who first felt her connection to it. Her and Diana had to form it, Blackwell couldn't use it until the skull had completed it's transformation. Cassie also had always been able to use magic outside the circle, even after they had been bound. It was possible that power worked in threes too. So one of the three Balcoin boys might be stronger magically than the other two. Zane seemed to be the dominant personality, he could be Cassie's equal in power too. Jake looked at Diana and Cassie's birth dates. Cassie was older than Diana, having been born in March. So if Kate was born after March, Cassie would be the strongest power of the Balcoin girls.

Jake needed to see Cassie's family tree. He wanted to know if John Blackwell had any siblings that they may need to worry about. If so maybe that's why he wanted the crystal skull so badly, other than killing all witches not with Balcoin blood. The more he researched the more he realized that his grandfather had known everything he was discovering. That's why he'd warned about doom.

It was too late for him to call Cassie again, but he went to the abandoned house to see if the Balcoin family tree was there. Eventually he found it under a stack of books. It also made him wonder if there was a family tree for light/good magic that they could trace it's strength back. He already knew that for light magic women were always stronger than men. He needed to go back to that storage locker to see if he could find any of their ancestry. Cassie had once told him that her grandmother said their family could be traced back to the beginning of witch craft. Jake discovered that the Blake's light magic went equally as far back to the origins of magic as the Balcoins did. So Cassie was equally strong in light magic as in dark. If hate and death brought forth her dark magic, then maybe love and life inspired her light magic. He'd also found a ring which he now wore on his thumb. It was made with magic and protected the wearer of being influenced by magic. This meant no one could use magic to force him to do anything against his will. With Faye constantly pulling pranks with her individual magic and Balcoin's in town, he felt safer wearing it. Jake had a long night, the more he found out, the more worried he became. But in the morning he didn't call anyone to tell them what he had discovered. He'd work secretly to save his circle. Faye's behaviour was the least of his problems.

In town Jake saw Zane sitting on his motorcycle making out with Faye. She was obviously sleeping with the enemy, but Jake no longer cared. The connection they had from the past was gone. Faye had seen beneath his anger and pain, to his core feelings. But that was not enough, she craved magical power. Jake, like his deceased mentor Issac, knew that wanting more power corrupted your soul. He could never trust, nor love someone like Faye. And then there was Cassie, she had too much power, but only lately had come to accept that it would always be part of her. She tried to protect those she loved and her circle, but the darkness was overpowering the light within her. She wanted knowledge, but was looking in the wrong places. Her need for love and acceptance was dividing the circle.

Jake went into the cafe where Cassie worked. He saw Kate and Ben eating donuts and nodded hello. Then he approached the counter. "Hi, I'll get a large french vanilla cappuccino to go. Cassie are you free later tonight or do you have plans with them?" Jake asked jerking his head in the direction of her new friends.

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