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On Saturday Cassie had a short shift and was done by noon, because they were overstaffed. She sent a text message to Kate, asking if she wanted to meet up. The reply came quickly. Kate was fighting with her brothers and needed to get out of there. Cassie told her she'd pick her up in ten minutes. When she arrived, she saw Ben and two other guys around her age arguing with Kate outside.

Cassie got out of her car, "hi Kate, Ben." Then to the other two guys she said, "Hi I'm Cassie."

The guy with the longer hair, gave her a once over and raised an eyebrow. His attitude reminded her of Faye. His name was Zane. The blond guy with the spiky hair said he was Chris. He was tall and cute.

"Are you guys coming tonight to the bonfire on the beach? I can pick you up and we can all car pool together," Cassie offered.

Zane spoke, "thanks, but Chris and I have wheels. Ben and Kate will need a ride."

Chris added, "do you want us to bring anything."

She grinned, "either of you old enough to buy booze?"

She got a big grin from all three guys. They hadn't expected her to say that. From her appearance, they thought she was a good girl. Zane answered, "Chris can pull that off. Any requests?"

"I love Jamaican rum and Jack Daniels whiskey."

Ben raised an eyebrow, "this girl can drink. Watch out Kate, she might just make you loosen up."

Kate shot Ben a nasty look. "Come on Cassie, let's go."

"See you guys tonight. Oh and Ben, I'm bringing more fireworks!" Cassie winked.

Once Kate was in the car, she finally relaxed. Zane had been giving her a hard time about constantly going off with Cassie. He was a control freak and didn't like her becoming friends with someone they knew little about. Yet, it was okay that he was trying to hook up with that Faye girl from the restaurant. The double standard made her mad. Zane thought just because he and Chris were older than her, they could boss her around.

"Oh, that's Paradise by Cold Play, I love this song. Crank it up!" Kate exclaimed.

Together they sang at the top of their lungs, "Para, Para, Paradise, Oh Oh Oh...."

Cassie realized that being with Kate, she had so much fun. That had been missing in her life a long time. Sure once in a while she had fun with Diana or Jake, but with Diana gone, things had changed a lot. And from the look on Kate's face, Cassie did the same for her. Once they were at her house, they made sandwiches and danced around the house, singing songs on the radio.

"Kate?" Cassie asked, a little more seriously, "would you help me box my grandmother's things?"

Kate was surprised that Cassie asked her, but felt honoured. "Oh Cassie, I'm so sorry you got left with that task. Sure, I'll help you. I know how hard it is. Have you gone into the room since she passed?"

"No. I... It hurts so much." She had been going to ask for Diana's help, but with everything going on with the witch hunters, her father and the crystals, there had been no time. Then Diana left. In a way, Cassie resented her half sister for ditching her.

Kate took Cassie's left hand in hers and together they went upstairs and stood outside of her grandmother Jane's bedroom door. Cassie took a deep breath and then opened the door and went inside. It still had the light sent of Jane's perfume. The bed was neatly made and everything was in its proper place.

"I can't do this... not yet." Cassie said trying to back out of the room.

Kate wouldn't let her leave. "Yes you can. Start with her clothing. Take it all out of the closet and put it on her bed."

Cassie let go of Kate's hand and did as she was told. She hugged the first pile of clothes on the hanger, tears falling down her face. But she got it to the bed. As she went, the pile grew.

"There's boxes in the kitchen. They are folded up. Tape for the boxes is in the middle drawer by the fridge," Cassie sniffed.

Kate hugged Cassie, "you're doing just fine. Keep going, I'll be right back." Kate ran down stairs, found the boxes, tape and a black marker.

When Kate came back, she found Cassie sitting in the closet with a pile of clothing in her arms, sobbing. "Awe Cassie," Kate said. She sat down beside her and hugged her until Cassie stopped crying.

"I think I might have got snot on your shoulder," Cassie smiled through her tears.

Kate grinned, "this one time it's okay. But can I borrow a new shirt, this one is soaked."

Cassie nodded, got up and took Kate to her room. While Kate picked out a shirt, she blew her nose and washed her face. "Thanks again for helping me."

The other girl smiled, "you owe me one." Then they laughed.

Back in Jane's room, Kate built the boxes and started putting clothing into them. As they filled up, she labelled the box 'clothing'. Once the closet was done, Kate stopped Cassie. "That's good for today. One day at a time, until you're done."

Cassie nodded. "Just leave the boxes where they are. Jake or my friend Adam can carry them downstairs."

As they left the room, Kate heard Cassie whisper, "good-bye grandma, I love you."

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