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Back at the Boathouse, Zane changed out of Faye's clothes and into the clothing Cassie had brought for him.  "I'm glad I'm a boy again, that was just plain weird."

"It worked the way we wanted it to.  Now we get to see all the faces of the witch hunters or at least the key players."

"And I'm sure Samuel has his eyes on the hunters too. So he knows the skull's in play.  Maybe it'll bring him out of hiding," Faye added.

"Do we really want him to confront us?" Ben questioned.

Melissa smiled, "of course we do, no one stands a chance against Cassie and the Skull."

Cassie sighed, "thanks for the vote of confidence, but it's going to take everything from all of us to defeat the hunters and Samuel."

"She's right, don't fool yourselves, he's much more patient and devious than John was."  Jake took Cassie's hand for support.  "But we're ready and he's an adult, an elder.... he'll under estimate us for sure."

Chris asked, "we all know how to teleport right? Just incase we're alone and surprised."

Everyone nodded.  Diana said, "but I keep teleporting either to my house or something else familiar.  If the hunters are following us or whatever, they'll know where to wait for me.  How do I choose somewhere unexpected?"

Zane gave some advice, "you can go wherever you picture in your head.  So look at a book every night of a different location, even world wide.  They can't follow you if it's random."

"Like the movie Jumper?" Adam asked.

"Yeah something like that.... I teleport to places that are dark, for better hiding.  Like this one time I went to the basement of our library, before going upstairs."

"Or I could teach you guys all how to become invisible, the spell is really easy.  So first you go invisible and next you teleport.  But I'd still use random locations, we don't know what kind of tech these hunters have or the power of Samuel's dark magic.  I'd say if we can imagine it, then they have the ability to do it too."  Cassie leaned against Jake, she was worried about her circle and keeping them safe.

Chris got a shit eating grin on his face, "that would be a handy spell."

Diana was the closest girl to him and punched him in the arm.  "Don't abuse our powers, especially spying on undressed people!"

He looked at her with his best innocent face, "I wouldn't even think of such a thing."

Zane snorted, "you're such an ass."  He was trying hard not to laugh though.

Cassie's phone chirped and she looked at the screen.  "Everyone look, we have movement in Faye's room."

They all crowded around her cell and watched the video feed.  Two men were in Faye's room, going through everything, another stood in the door way.  They could see the faces clearly.

Not realizing she was doing it, Faye whispered, "that's three, but we know there are two more guys.  Where are they?"

Zane put his arm around her and asked, "why are you whispering? No one is here except us."

She laughed nervously, "I'm not sure.  Right, they can't hear us."

"The other two guys are probably checking out the rest of the house or something," Melissa suggested.

Chris stuck his finger on the screen of the cell, "that guy must be the leader... see he's giving the other two orders.  They're focusing on Faye's closet."

"That's where I... er Faye... hid the fake Skull with a cloaking spell."

They watched to see if the hunters could undo the spell, but they couldn't.  So with all their tech, they were not like Eben, they didn't have the power to break spells.  That gave their circle a huge advantage and they all sighed collectively.  They watched the men put everything back as it was, so nothing was out of place.

"Damn they're good," Faye said in the silence, making everyone jump.  "Sorry."

"She's right, if we weren't watching there's no way to tell they were even there.  Jake is there a spell that can show us if someone's been in our houses?"

"Not sure," he replied.

Diana did, "there is, I remember seeing it in my mom's book.  It has something to do with residual aura, like a hand print kind of thing.  I'll find it tonight and text it to all of you."

"No don't text it or use any modern technology... that's what the hunters use.  Teleport to my house and then I'll tell everyone with a mind meld," Cassie said.

"You're using Star Trek terms now?"

"She meant telepathically," Melissa snorted.

"I know, it's just funny that we use terms from TV shows and movies to describe what we do, that's all," Chris justified.

"Well if it get's the point across why not.  No one has taught us the 'witch terms' for half of what we do," Diana replied.

"True, very true."

"Okay focus guys, what are we doing about the hunters?" Zane asked no one in particular.

"We have Faye take the fake Skull out of the house and see if they attack or just follow her.  Same with Samuel."

"And if they do?" Ben asked.

"Then we take them all to where the REAL Skull was formed.  If it's just the hunters, we deal with them once and for all.  If it's Samuel, then Cassie teleports to us and we finish him off too," Jake said with a determined finality.

Melissa shivered, "what if they all show up at once?"

Ben hugged her reassuringly, "then we take them all out in one final performance."

"We can do anything, we just have to believe in ourselves and our love, our inner light.  Cassie proved that to us more than once," Zane encouraged.

They nodded.  Adam asked them to help clean up the Boathouse so he could close the restaurant for the night.  Doing those simple tasks, the normal things, calmed them all down.  Then they went outside, putting chairs in a circle and discussed tactics.  From playing video games and paintball war games, the boys, especially Chris and Zane, had the best strategies.  Adam used salt and pepper shakers  to represent Samuel and the hunters, as they mapped out their plans.  They were ketchup, mustard and hot sauce.

"Do we all understand what we have to do and where we need to be?" Adam asked the circle.

Everyone said yes.

"So we have three plans in place, if the other two fail.  We all know where to teleport to, if we need to get out and regroup."  Jake watched everyone agree.

"This is really happening tomorrow isn't it?" Diana asked.

Adam took her hand in his.  "We're ready for it.  Once it's done, we can get back to having normal lives."

"We all have the weekend off, so we can finish this. Everyone take each other's hands," Cassie instructed.  She drew strength from the stars, air, water and fire of the tiki torches. The elements assisted her and she made love, peace and strength flow through all of them, fusing their circle with light.  Everyone tingled from head to toe.  "We are one with light.  We love and defend the innocent. Super-heros we are not, but witches since birth. Together and alone, we all have the power to change darkness to light."

Jake added, "and light, even the tiniest fragment, is worth fighting for.  We can do it within ourselves and help others too."

"We are the Secret Circle and tomorrow we stop hiding and fight for what's right!" Diana said with emotion.

Zane spoke next, "light will always be in us, but love will bind us forever."

Ben smiled, "I don't have an epic speech like you guys, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else or stand beside anyone else. You guys are my family, all of you."

Chris vowed, "I'll die before I let some pesky witch hunters or that evil elder hurt any of you!"

"When in our most doubtful moments, remember now and how you feel loved by generations of good witches who serve light.  That will give you strength to overcome everything," Adam added.

"We'll be surrounded by the elements, just like now.  And we'll have the Skull, nothing can beat us!"  Melissa said defiantly.

Faye summed it up the best, "tomorrow night let's kick some evil ass!"

Secret Circle TV Show: Jake and CassieWhere stories live. Discover now