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The next day Jake was going out to check his traps. Before he left he sent a text to Cassie, that he'd be gone awhile. If there were no crabs, then he'd have to go fishing. He needed the money, as what his Aunt was sending only covered household bills. So Cassie made plans to hang with Kate after work.

Adam came into the cafe and ordered two hot chocolates, one for Melissa and one for him. Cassie got a strange vibe off him, but couldn't put her finger on what it was. He was nice enough, so she decided to forget about it. She watched as he gave Melissa the hot chocolate and let his hand linger on her knee. Even after being with Jake, she still felt a little thread of jealousy when she watched Adam with Melissa. Maybe it was because Adam chose someone in their circle of friends to be with, instead of some other girl.

Kate caught Cassie watching Adam and Melissa. "If you want I can make his hot chocolate spill all over his crotch."

Cassie smiled, "tempting, but then I would have to go over there and give him another one."

Adam saw Cassie and Kate, then waived them over. "Either of you want to make some extra cash? Tonight we are hosting some company banquet and we need more hands to help serve. It pays $12/hr plus tips."

"Ben and Chris can help out. They've both worked in fast food joints too. I doubt Zane would want to be a waiter, even if it was extra cash."

"That would be great. I'll even throw in dinner, to sweeten the deal," Adam added.

Cassie looked at Melissa, "are you helping too?"

Melissa nodded. "Yup. Last time I did it with Faye, we had a lot of fun. Although that was for the hockey team and not a bunch of old fat businessmen."

"What time do you need us there by?" Kate asked.

Adam rubbed his chin while he thought about it, "Seven thirty should be good."

"Okay I guess extra cash wouldn't hurt. If you, Chris and Ben are here when I get off work, I'll drive us over to the Boathouse," Cassie said. Then she added, "what about Jake? He definitely needs cash."

Adam had been getting along with Jake, but he wasn't sure if he totally trusted the guy. But if he could trust complete strangers, then he had to be fair and give Jake a chance. "Alright, Jake can work too."

Kate, Adam and Melissa left together. Then she went back to work. Cassie sent Jake a text right away and hoped he'd get it in time. His reply came ten minutes later, when she was already off her break. Jake said he'd be there and that he would text Adam a thank you.

Just before her shift ended, she got a text from Kate saying that her and her brothers were waiting outside for her. Cassie clocked out and then went to meet them. "Hi guys, ready to become waiters?"

"I'm ready to get some cash, that's what I'm here for," Chris replied.

"Amen brother," Ben said.

Kate rolled her eyes, "shotgun."

They walked into the Boathouse and the first thing Cassie noticed, was that Adam was at the bar and his dad was no where in sight. She wondered if Ethan, Adam's dad, was still gone. He'd left before everything went down with the crystal skull. Adam had stepped up, but she knew it was a lot of pressure on him to run the restaurant without some of his dad's help.

"Chris, have you ever worked behind a bar?" Adam asked.

"My uncle taught me at an early age all about booze. Ask me anything, I can tell you what's in it."

Adam thought for a minute, "Tom Collins."

"Two ounces gin, one ounce lemon juice, three ounces club soda, teaspoon fine sugar and topped with orange slice and cherry. It's a shaken drink, that is strained over ice cubes into the glass, the club soda is added last." Chris rambled off.

"Wow, impressive knowledge. You're working bar tonight with me. We'll split the tips." Adam directed.

He ran down the menu with the rest of them. "Jake give me a hand changing the kegs please."

Jake and Adam left for a few minutes. Melissa flirted with Chris, quizzing him on drinks. Cassie whispered to Kate, "did you ever meet his uncle?"

Kate said, "thankfully no. But from what Chris once said, I think he use to beat on him and Zane a lot. Zane usually took most of it to protect Chris."

They didn't get a chance to analyze Chris much further than that, because diners were arriving. All of them had to work hard to keep up. Cassie's feet were aching, but she was making great tips. Jake, Adam and Chris were busy mostly with the bar. Since Jake had in the past worked for Adam, he knew what to do. Adam was pretty pleased at the end of the night with how smoothly everything went. After the last customer left and they cashed out, everyone sat down and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks everyone, it was a great night. We have lots of food left, so you can take it home or eat it now. Anyone hungry?"

Everyone put up their hands, so he went and got the food. Chris got pop, while Adam wasn't looking, he and Jake poured rum in to their cokes and winked at them all to keep quiet. Even Melissa kept the secret when Adam came back. To their surprise, Adam grabbed the same bottle of rum and poured some into everyone's glass. "Cheers!"

They clinked glasses and ate. Adam paid everyone. Then he took Jake aside and said, "if you want a job here until my dad gets back, you're hired."

Jake nodded and shook Adam's hand. Next Adam approached Chris, "same goes for you, if you want a job tending bar for the evening crowd, I could use you too."

Chris shrugged, "deal. I need the extra cash."

Adam had seen the Balcoin scar on Chris's hand earlier in the night. He planned to keep his enemy close, so that he could see what he was up to. He'd talk to Jake about it later, they'd both watch Chris.

"My feet hurt, I'm full and I need rest. I'm going home, want me to drop you two off on my way?" Cassie asked Kate and Chris. They nodded and followed her out the door. "Good night everyone."

Jake stayed behind to talk to Adam and Melissa. They had determined that Kate and Chris had Balcoin blood like Cassie, that meant that Zane and Ben, must be the other two. None of them trusted Kate, Chris or Ben and especially not Zane. Jake told Melissa and Adam, that those four knew that Cassie, Jake and Faye were witches too. Melissa added that Cassie had become close friends with Kate and that could be dangerous. They agreed to find out as much as they could about the four Blackwell teens and try to talk some sense into Faye.

"Cassie doesn't think that Kate has activated her dark magic. But I overheard Kate tell Cassie, that Chris's uncle use to beat on Zane and Chris. I don't know about you two, but if I had to defend myself or someone I cared about, I'd use any form of magic I could." Melissa explained.

Adam agreed. "Ya you're right, especially if the uncle had a drinking problem."

Melissa put her hand on Adam's, Jake saw and said, "at least your dad never laid a hand on you."

Changing the subject, Adam advised, "I still haven't been able to find a lead box to hold the skull. I put it in my grandfather's hiding spot and cloaked it for now. I tried to put lead on the skull, but it didn't work."

"You should take Cassie into that room where the skull is hidden, if she can't find it or feel it, then all is good," Jake suggested. Then to Melissa he asked, "need a ride home?"

"Yes, I'll be there in a minute."

"Text me what time you want me to work tomorrow." Jake told Adam, then went to his truck to wait for Melissa.

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