Robert & Aaron : You've Always Been Mine

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Chapter 1~

Robert and Chrissie was stood at the altar at their wedding, sharing their vows when Aaron walked in.

Aaron looked around before he sat down at everyone's clothes. Nice and smart.

Too nice for Robert to ever deserve, Aaron mused, bitterly.

He couldn't help it though, why does Robert act like a dick for?

Chrissie was in a dazzling white dress and a fur shrug. Robert was looking beautiful in a black tuxedo and a nervous smile that could be pulled off as a happy one. Bet that's what's Chrissie thinks. He's loving this and he's happy right now. He's totally not.

Why did Robert have to leave him in this state? He knew what Aaron was like when he got depressed. He never thinks about anyone else's feelings but his own. Selfish. The word came to Aaron's mind.

How could I care about someone like that, who insulted me most of the times, who didn't occasionally show up, who didn't love me like I loved him. Letting out a sigh of disgust and thought to himself. "I do, I truly do"

All Aaron could think about was Katie lying there in that stable, on the shattered, broken floor that she fell through.

Lonely. Not moving. Dead.

All Aaron could think about was her. Just her. It was like she was infecting his mind with evil and poison.

Aaron pushed her out of his mind and it got replaced with Robert again. It was better than the remorse and sickness in his stomach he felt for Katie.

Lately, Aaron couldn't help but cry, cry desperate tears of pain for his life. I deserve better surely...Everybody always asked lately "What's up?" and he said "nuffin'" and told them to leave it, but secretly it was Robert. It was always Robert. Aaron missed him so much. He missed the hugs, the kisses, the beautiful relationship he thought they had.

Robert. Robert. Robert...

Robert had been the one that had found Katie. When he told Aaron he couldn't- he didn't- believe him. He couldn't help but laugh in hysteria at the start. Afterwards, he couldn't help but pace back and forth panicking, thinking what should we do?

Aaron couldn't forgive Robert for bringing him into this mess. Why did he start a relationship with him and then let him fall so hard?

Why had he started the bit on the side again when Aaron made Robert get caught with him at Wylie' s Farm, when Aaron knew Katie was there... watching.. going to rat them out to everyone.

He wanted to get Robert caught with him. He wanted him so much, he wanted him to be his. Just his. No Chrissie.

He was selfish he knew, but he didn't care.

He couldn't get the look of shock from his mind of Robert's face when he knew he had betrayed him. Why did Robert forgive him?

Aaron shuffled in his seat uncomfortable.

He wished he could forgive Robert especially after all their beautiful nights together. Wrapped in each other's arms...

Through his thoughts he could hear Robert stutter his vows nervously.

Aaron really wanted to run up to Robert and throw his arms around him. He didn't though. He couldn't. Aaron felt sorry for him but he couldn't especially when he asked Aaron to clean up all the fingerprints in the room and on Katie, and he did what he asked of course but he wasn't happy with the whole idea of it. Why should I do anything for him? He insulted me on my scars the other day, he doesn't know how much pain they bring.

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