Chapter 12 ~

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Chapter 12 ~

Robert walked home with a spring to his step.

Robert walked in the pub, smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"What you smiling about?" Chas asked, noticing him.

"Isn't Aaron back yet?" Robert frowned.

"No, not yet. Anyway, what'cha smiling at?"

"Here's your milk by the way. Okay, don't tell Aaron this, you promise?"

"Thanks." Chas took the milk. "I promise, now what is it?"

"As I was in Hotten, I stopped at a jewelers and bought me and Aaron these." Robert took out the ring boxes.

  "There not- Oh my god Robert!" Chas looked down at the rings. "They're pretty, good pick."

"Thanks, you think Aaron will like them too?" Robert asked.

"Definitely! Ooh, I'm so excited! You're going to be my son-in-law, think you can handle that?"

Robert laughed. "Definitely! I can't wait to tell Aaron. I wonder where he is? I'm sure Chrissie wouldn't do anything.."

"Has he took his phone with him?" Chas asked.

"I don't think so." Robert frowned. "I'm sure he'll be back soon." Robert said, confidently. But he was fearing the worse just the same.


Aaron convulsed furiously. Blood wasn't coming up as much now.

Aaron rolled onto his side and the pain soared up his side.

"Argh!" Aaron groaned, tears in his eyes. "R-Robert! Mum! Anyone... Please." Aaron begged.

  Nobody was around. Just him and his pain.

Aaron checked in his pocket. No phone.

Damn, I didn't bring it!

Aaron cried to himself, curling into a comfortable ball that released most of the pain soaring through his body.


Robert paced back and forth, sweat forming on his brow.

Robert had been doing this for the past an hour and half.

"Robert, stop, I'm sure he's fine!" Chas walked forward and grabbed Robert's arms, stopping him.

"But he's not though is he?! He's been gone over 4 hours! I need to go look for him." Robert decided.

"I'll come." Chas smiled.

"Thanks." Tears filled his eyes now.

"Love, he'll be fine okay?" Chas asked.

Robert nodded in response.

"Let's go for him then." Chas said, and made her way for the door; Robert trailing behind.

"Paddy, we're going to look for Aaron." Chas told Paddy.

"I'll come too. How long has he been gone?"

"4 hours." Chas sighed.

"I'll come." Paddy told Rhona where he was going then followed Robert and Chas out the pub.

"He went that way." Robert pointed right then looked up at the sky, tears threatening to come out.

"Okay" Chas took lead with a fast pace.

  "I'm sure he'll be fine Robert." Paddy shivered, the climate had gone from sunny to cold in an instant.

Robert just nodded, unsure what to say.

Robert & Aaron : You've Always Been Mine (Robron)Where stories live. Discover now