Authors Note

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Sorry this isn't an update unfortunately. I just wanted to thank you for reading and voting. I never thought I'll get as much reads & votes I have for this story.

There's only one chapter left, which is a shame. I would love to carry it on forever!

I wanted to let you know I've written a story about Aaron & Ross that I would love you to vote and read. It's called "Sorry, I Must Be Really Hammered...". It's about Ross (I made him bisexual) having a secret crush on Aaron and they make a go of it later on in the story...

I've written a story about Aaron and Robert called Leave Him Alone, that I'd love you to check out about Aaron's dad coming back...

I've wrote a new Robron story called - Don't Be An Idiot & Run! The first chapter has been published now. :).

I've also wrote another Robron story called You, for you to check out!

I have other stories you can read & vote that's been on there for some time about Robert & Aaron called Second Chances and one about Danny & Ryan (who play them).

The next chapter will be written soon but I'm not sure when. Sorry!

- Linzi :). X.

Robert & Aaron : You've Always Been Mine (Robron)Where stories live. Discover now