Chapter 8 ~

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Chapter 8 ~

Robert pulled up on the main road outside the Malmaison hotel after an hour and half drive.

   "Wow..." Aaron murmured, looking up at the beige building and Robert smiled.

  "I know, it's gorgeous." Robert looked up at the building. "Just like you" Robert put in suavely.

   Aaron blushed. "I'll give ya that one." Aaron smirked.

   Robert smirked back. "You ready?"

  "Yeah." Aaron nodded.


"What?" Aaron asked, cautiously.

  "I forgot to give you something."

   "What is it?"


  Before Aaron could ask what "this" was, Robert pressed an intimate kiss on Aaron's lips, holding Aaron's cheeks.

  Aaron pushed his body into Robert's until he stopped abruptly.

  "Okay.. we need to stop before we have sex in the car..." Aaron breathed hard.

   "Hey! That's not a bad thing!" Robert responded cheekily.

   Aaron shook his head, punching him in the arm. Aaron opened the door before they started again.

    Robert smiled, opening the door.

   I made the right decision choosing the guy I loved... Robert thought suddenly, feeling blessed.

Robert caught up to Aaron, holding his hand tightly and walked into the beige building.


"Wow..." Aaron repeated again.

Robert and Aaron was stood in the reception area.

  The room was as it was in the picture Robert showed him earlier on his phone.

   The room was filled with people checking in and people enjoying the quiet with a glass of different alcohols.

   Robert suddenly pointed. "Over there."

   In that area where he was pointing was the checking in desk.

   Robert and Aaron walked over, carrying their bags.

   "Hi, what room and how many days?" The checkout lady asked.

  "Urm.. a deluxe room please and overnight please." Robert smiled.

   "Yes sir, that'll be £80 and the drinks and room service will come free. It's a discount this week." The checkout lady told us.

   "That's awesome, thanks!" Robert replied, over the moon.

   "Here's your key." The checkout lady handed the key to them.

   "Thanks" Robert and Aaron both responded together, walking to the lift.

   "Floor 2, room 15" Robert told Aaron, his head down looking at the key.

   "Cool." Aaron smiled, pressing the floor 2 button, now inside the lift.

The doors shut in the lift and started moving upwards.

   "I hope this lift doesn't break down" Aaron shared.

   "God Aaron, you're so pessimistic!" Robert smiled and shook his head as the lift opened on floor 2. 

Robert & Aaron : You've Always Been Mine (Robron)Where stories live. Discover now