Chapter 6 ~

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Chapter 6 ~

"Fucksake Robert, d'ya think Vic will kill us?" Aaron whispered, looking at his hands.

"No, no I won't." Vic's voice cut in. Both of them jumped in their seats, looking up finally and meeting Victoria's smug face.

"No, no I won't." Vic repeated. "I'm shocked" Vic paused. "But I'm not bothered."

Robert breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why didn't you tell me you were bisexual?" Vic questioned.

"The subject never came up really.. I would of told you honestly.."

"Uhm, alright then.. when did you end it with Chrissie?" Vic asked, going around the bar.

"Today, I couldn't carry it on really."

"How the hell did you two get into a relationship?" Vic shook her head.

"Are you asking that as a rhetorical question or are you asking a question?" Robert said, raising his eyebrow.

Vic thought about it. " Asking a question."

Both of them looked awkward.

Would they get judged by Vic? What would she say?

"It's - It's a long story.. " Robert coughed awkwardly.

"Oh I have time." Vic said simply, going around the back.

Robert sighed in, then got up from the stool, dragging Aaron with him.

Vic was sat on the couch already with her arms crossed. Diane was in the room having a conversation on the phone.

"Right explain."

"Uh.. " Aaron murmured awkward.

How do you start a conversation like this one?

"Come on then. It started somewhere."

"What's wrong with you guys?" Diane asked curiously from besides the couch.

Vic looked at them. They shrugged not actually caring who knew.

"Well, it appears Robert and Aaron have been seeing each other.. relationship wise."

"You've been dating? Does Chrissie know?" Diane asked surprised.

"Yeah I told her. I wanted to end it y'know.."

"It would of been harder if you didn't. Anyway I need to serve at the bar, we'll talk later if you want?"

Both of them nodded gratefully.

"Right. Come on."

"Um.. it was sex to be fair at the start... until I admitted my feelings to Aaron I'd been hiding" Robert stuttered, waiting to be judged.

Vic's face couldn't help go through shock.

Robert could tell she was speechless.

"Ok, let me get this straight you've been having bit on the side whilst you were married?" Vic said it slowly, making sure that's what they were getting at. "Oh Robert.."

"Don't look at me like that! Because I love Aaron I needed to see him even if it meant having an affair.." Robert grabbed Aaron's hand and smiled.

"Yeah, well, I'm not going to congratulate you for having an affair" Vic told them sternly. "Well, I need to get back to the kitchen."

"To be fair I'm not surprised Vic's not happy." Aaron muttered after Vic went out the room.

"Well, she's always not surprised really. It's me."

Robert & Aaron : You've Always Been Mine (Robron)Where stories live. Discover now