Chapter 10 ~

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Chapter 10 ~

An hour later, Robert and Aaron drove in front of the pub.

  "I'm glad we're back." Aaron admitted and Robert nodded in agreement.

"We should go in and tell everyone we're back." Robert advised.

"Let's go." Aaron kissed Robert's cheek and got out the car and so did Robert.

"Leave the bags, we'll get 'em in a sec."

  Robert nodded, grabbing Aaron's waist and walked towards the pub.

  Robert opened the pub door and swung the door quickly ready to go inside. Aaron pushed the other door open and walked inside.

   Robert and Aaron's body's got pushed back suddenly.

  "Hey.. mum, you're crushing us!" Aaron muffled under his mum's arms.

  "Sorry love. Enjoyed yourself?" Chas let go.

  "Yeah, we did." Robert smiled.

  "Pints?" Chas asked.

"Actually a blue WKD for me, going for a change."

"Yeah, lager for me Chas, thanks." Robert smiled.


"Mum" Chas turned. "We're just going to collect our bags." Aaron told her and she nodded.

Aaron and Robert walked outside again.

  "We should do this again sometime." Robert smiled.

"Yeah we shou-" Aaron got cut off and started shouting. "What the fuck has happened to my mum's car?!?" Aaron shouted, noticing the car was now covered in paint and spray paint with words such as "affair", "bisexual", "dickhead" and "cunt" along with many others.

  "What the fuck!" Robert ran over to the car; Aaron following.

  Two of the windows were smashed and the boot was opened and the bags and clothes were sprawled out everywhere.

  "Fuck sake.." Aaron muttered. "Who could of done this?"

"I have an idea.." Robert had his signature "bitch face" on as he looked across the village at Chrissie and Lawrence, looking away with smug facial expressions and holding a bottle of alcohol. "Them." Robert growled.

Aaron sighed in anger. "What should we do?"

"Fucking go over there and - and I don't know." Robert had gone soft and less angry and cruel since Aaron.

Aaron sighed. "Let's sort this out, then go over there later."

Robert nodded. "Agreed"

Aaron and Robert started picking up their bags and started putting clothes and other objects in.

  Robert started picking up glass from the outside and inside of the car.

  "God, whats happened here?" Carly asked, coming over.

Aaron looked up. "We think it's them." Aaron pointed to Chrissie and Lawrence.

"Smug cunts." Carly shook her heads. "Uh... Want me to help?"

"No, it's okay. Thanks anyway." Robert smiled and Carly nodded and smiled then walked away.

  "Hey guys, what's taking you-" Chas cut off looking at the car. "What happened?!"

"We don't know. We think it's those two over there.." Aaron muttered.

"Ow.." Robert moaned, cutting his hand on the window glass.

"You okay?" Aaron knelt down, checking Robert's hand and kissing it better. "Maybe we should get a brush."

Chas sighed. "I'll get one and help."

"Sorry mum." Aaron looked away.

"It's okay, I don't know how we can afford another car, though." Chas grimaced then walked away.

  Aaron sighed. "I can't find the champagne either. I shouldn't be worrying about this now though."

"Babe, it's not your fault. Remember I'm the one that created the affair and it was worth it. I didn't think this would happen" Robert threw his hands up towards the wrecked car.

Aaron nodded. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Robert kissed Aaron. "Can spray paint come off easily?" Robert frowned.

"I dunno." Aaron shrugged as Chas came back; followed by Paddy.

Chas started sweeping up. "I'll help carry the bags up." Paddy offered.

"Thanks." Aaron smiled, picking up a bag up too.

  "I'll help." Robert started picking up bags too.

Aaron, Robert and Paddy carried the bags to the opening to the pub and dropped them to open the door.

  But when Aaron dropped his, all the stuff fell out.

  "Shit." Aaron muttered, picking up the things again and walked in.

Chas shook her head, watching him with amused look.


"Right, I'm done." Aaron closed his wardrobe. Aaron finished putting all his clothes and Robert's away.

"I've finished with the rest of our things. Like you said the champagnes gone"

  "Least we still 'ave each other though." Aaron hugged Robert.

"I know. I feel like it's my fault though." Robert sighed.

"But it's not. Mum says she can't get the paint and shit off the car. Mum and Paddy 'ave been tryin' all afternoon." At this Robert hugged Aaron tighter.

  "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, gorgeous." Aaron kissed Robert's cheek. "I'm going to see if I can help mum with owt. You coming?"

  "Yeah." Aaron got up and led the guilty Robert out of his room and down the stairs.

As they got to the bottom, they heard Chas shouting.

Aaron looked at Robert and he frowned and opened the door.

As they made their way through the back room to the pub itself, they realised Chas was shouting at Chrissie and Lawrence.

Aaron's body clenched seeing them and he felt Robert's hands on his shoulders calming him.

"Are you that childish to do that to MY car?" Chas spat.

  "I don't know what you're talking about." Chrissie said innocently.

"What about our champagne too?" Aaron asked.

"What champagne?" Lawrence asked.

Robert scoffed. "We saw you earlier with it, smiling away there. Smile anymore and you both will be a Cheshire cat." Robert said snidely.

Aaron smirked. "Jealous, Chrissie?" Aaron said, noticing Chrissie's face.

"What, no." Chrissie made a "pfft" noise.

"Right." Aaron said, making the "t" stronger.

"Whatever." Chrissie nose twitched, irritated.

"I banned you from here anyway." Chas stated.

"Fine, but you'll get yours." Chrissie said to Aaron. "You both will." Chrissie walked away, Lawrence following her.

"Wonder what she meant by that?" Aaron frowned, watching them leave.

"Who knows. Probably nothing. She's bluffing I think. Probably just a figure of speech." Robert shrugged, frowning. A hint of nervousness in his voice was heard even though his face was confident, strong and calm.

  Aaron couldn't help be worried by what she said. The words at the back of his mind.

  "Fine, but you'll get yours. You both will."

Robert & Aaron : You've Always Been Mine (Robron)Where stories live. Discover now