Chapter 11 ~

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Chapter 11 ~

  "Fine, but you'll get yours. You both will."

The words still went around Aaron's mind as he stared into a pint of beer.

Was she bluffing or not? Bluffing or not? Bluffing-

"-... Won't you Aaron?" Chas's voice interrupted Aaron's thoughts.

"What mum?" Aaron rubbed his head, a headache forming.

"You alright, love?" His mum asked, concerned.

"Yeah, what was ya saying?"

"You'll go into Hotten with Robert, won't you? We need milk but Carly's shop isn't open."

"I dunno, I might go for a walk to clear my head." Aaron responded, hand on his head.

"You okay, babe?" Robert asked, moving closer to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I promise." Aaron smiled, hugging Robert.

"Okay." Robert nodded. "Is it what Chrissie said?"

"Ummm..." Aaron frowned.

"She's probably trying to scare you. Bet she can't hurt a fly." His mum assured.

"You're forgetting she scratched my face and arms when I didn't agree with her." Robert told her. "Who knows?"

"You guys aren't helping." Aaron muttered.

"Sorry" Robert apologised and hugged Aaron tight. Robert sighed. "I might go to Hotten now and get it done with."

"I'll walk with you before I go the other way." Aaron told him.

  Aaron and Robert both got up from their stools.

"We'll be back soon." Aaron told his mum. "I'll be back in half an hour till an hour."

"Okay, love."

"Let's go." Robert held Aaron's hand and made their way outside.

"Sure you don't want to come with me?" Robert asked walking to the main road with Aaron.

"Nah gorgeous. I need to clear my head. I won't take long I swear."

"Okay." Robert kissed Aaron's cheek. "See you soon."

"Cya soon." Aaron smiled and walked in the opposite direction.


Bluffing or not? Bluffing or not? Bluffing or not? Bluffing or not? Bluffing or not? Bluffing or not?

Aaron sighed frustrated.

Stop thinking of those words Aaron, for fuck sake!

Aaron walked down the road enjoying the scenery, trying to take his mind from Chrissie and what she said.

Aaron sighed again.

This is definitely NOT clearing my head....

Aaron shook his head and pressed his lips together trying not to scream.


"Thank you sir." The shopkeeper smiled, handing back the change.

"Thanks" Robert smiled back, carrying the milk.

Robert walked out the shop, looking around.

Robert sighed.

Was Aaron okay? Where was he?

Robert shut his eyes, panicking. Robert couldn't help but worry about his gorgeous boyfriend.

Robert looked around again and noticed a jewellery shop out the corner of his eye.

Boyfriend? What about fiancee?

Robert smiled, it sounded totally better.

Robert entered the shop and saw pretty jewellery everywhere.

Robert walked to the front of the store.

"May I help you?" The shop keeper asked.

"Yeah, I'm looking for an engagement ring for my boyfriend and I." The words seemed unreal on Robert's lips.

"These are men's engagement rings. Starting from £99 and going up."

A ring caught Robert's eye. A silver ring with fancy details with a diamond in the middle going around the ring.

"How much for that one?" Robert pointed at the ring.

"£99, sir."

Robert nodded. "Two of those please." 

  The shopkeeper got two of the rings out and bagged them.

"£198 please."

Robert handed the money over and took the bag. "Keep the change."

"Thanks." The shopkeeper smiled.

Robert left the shop feeling over the moon.


Aaron sighed for the billionth time.

Aaron shook his head and looked down at his watch.


Shit it's getting late!

Aaron looked across the road and saw a country lane that led to the village really quickly.

  Aaron thought for a second and decided that he'd best go back.

Aaron looked left and right making sure no cars were coming and crossed.

Halfway there Aaron heard it, the sound of the revving of a car picking up speed.

Aaron had no time to react as a car slammed into his chest and knocked him sidewards onto the pathway, unanticipatedly.

Aaron groaned in pain as tears welled up in his eyes and streamed down his face.

Aaron couldn't get a good look at the driver as they drove quickly away.

Aaron coughed and clutched his chest as blood came up and stained his t-shirt.

I'm going to die!

"No..." Aaron groaned, before his vision blurred and he blacked out.

Robert & Aaron : You've Always Been Mine (Robron)Where stories live. Discover now