Chapter 19

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Amelias POV

Ellie and I just landed in L.A and are now looking for Addison who is picking us up. Ellie couldn't sit still the entire time on the plane, she is just excited

"Can we go surfing? Please? And build sand castles! Can the triplets and Henry come!? Oh and Lucas!" She exclaims bouncing off idea

"Eleanor Hunny calm down" I tell her and she sighs

"But we're in L.A!" She yells a little too loudly

"Sorry" she corrects herself and stands next to me

"I know you're excited but we still have to be respectful of everyone else in here" I tell her gently but firm enough to get the point across and she nods

"Auntie Addie!" She yells a few minutes later and takes off running to Addison

Addison was standing there with the biggest smile on her face with Henry in her arms

"Melia!" He smiles and reaches for me almost falling out of Addisons arms

"Henry!" She reprimands and I take him in my arms

"Mommy is mean" he pouts and she playfully glares at him

"My mommy is mean too" Ellie says

"If I'm so mean better get your little behind back on the plane to Seattle" I tell her

"No! I'm sorry I was just joking you're not mean. Your the best mommy in the world" she says quick and wraps her arms around my waist and I chuckle

"That's more like it" I smirk and the 4 of us head to Addisons where we will be staying the next two nights

When we got there I took our bags upstairs to Addisons guest room, Ellie and I have stayed in this room countless of times. Sometimes I would take Ellie out of bed and drive over here so I could sleep next to the ocean. An escape  from reality, just a way to clear my mind

"So I was thinking we could have everyone over here tomorrow for dinner?" Addison says when I walked back downstairs

"Sounds amazing, I missed you all so much" I say and she hugs me

"How's Seattle treating you?" She ask and I blush slightly thinking of Arizona

"And Arizona" she smirks and I roll my eyes

"Arizona is good. Great even" I say and my smile slightly faded at the question I remember Ellie asking

"But?" She says and I sigh

"Right before you called Ellie asked if I loved Arizona" I say and she smiles

"You don't?" She ask

"It's not that simple. Addison. Ryan and James. Look how that turned out" I explain

"And that was bad Yes, neither of them were your fault. James tried to rush you, and if he knew you at all he wouldn't have" she explains and I nod listening to her

"Without thinking about it do you love her?" She ask and I smile

"Yea, I do" I say

"Then tell her that" she says and I shake my head

"No way, it's too soon. I don't want her running" I tell her

"Amelia," she sighs, one thing about Addison is her advice is usually right, the whole big sister scheme

"And I have Ellie to think about, what happens when I tell her and she runs? It's not only me going to be heart broken but her too" I say

"Do it Amelia, tell her how you feel" she says and I put my head in my hands. Maybe she is right. Maybe she isn't.

"Mommy! Can we go to the beach" Ellie ask coming into the kitchen

"We are at the beach" I chuckle and she rolls her eyes

"Ellie" I say warningly

"I didn't mean too! It just happens sometimes" she says and Addison laughs

"Can we go to the water?" She asked

"Not tonight, it's already dark. We're here two days we'll go tomorrow" I say

"Fine" she says and goes back with Henry to play in the living room

"I'm going to be so bruised if She makes me go surfing" I laugh

Arizona's POV

After Sofia and I got home we were both still in our pajamas and decided to just have a lazy day, if I'm telling the truth I have been waiting on a call. Not from Amelia but from Callie. She missed both calls last week and never said anything about it. I don't think she understands how it affects Sofia

Sofia and I we were laying in my bed under the covers and she was laying close to me as "Peter Pan" played in the background and I was playing with her hair.

I also thought back on the conversation with Ellie in the car earlier this morning. I just told my girlfriends daughter that I loved her mom and expect her not to tell Amelia. What was I thinking

It's not like it was a lie, I really do love her but I don't want to freak her out, if I tell her.

"Momma?" Sofia ask, distracting me from my thought and I smile

"Yes love?" I ask and she looks up at me with the same look I have seen multiple times from her and her mother when they had. Questions

"Are you going to marry Amelia?" She ask me

"I don't know, maybe one day" I say , it's a stretch but I wouldn't mind

"Why? Do you like Amelia?" I ask her, her opinion really means more than anyone's

"Yea I do. She makes you happy momma, and I like it when you are happy" she says and I smile down at her

"She does make me happy, but what about you? Does she make you happy? Or Ellie?" I ask and she nods

"Yea I like her and sometimes Ellie is a little too young but she is pretty cool. Even though Amelia let's Ellie cuss but you don't let me and it's not fair because I'm older" she says and I roll my eyes

"Ellie is not that much younger than you" I chuckle

"And because Amelia is her mom so if Amelia lets her thats up to them, but I'm sure your mom and dad would agree with me on the no cussing" I say and she sighs

"Maybe so" she chuckles

"Hey momma?" She ask again and I laugh a little

"Yes love?"

"Why doesn't mommy call anymore" she ask in a small voice

"She is just busy" I say, not that I agree with what Callie has done, I can't say that in front of Sofia

"I still miss her" she says and I sigh

"I know you do" I say and kiss the top of her head

"How about we try and call later but for now let's watch this movie?" I ask and she smiles

"Yes!" She giggles and I press play and we both start putting our attention back on the screen

Till next time❤️

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