Chapter 71

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Arizona's POV

I am leaving to talk to mark now. It's still a little early so the girls are still asleep. Including Amelia.

"Hey..... I'm heading out now. I'll be back soon" I whisper, waking Amelia up and kissing her head

" you" she mumbles and I chuckle

"I love you too" I tell her and leave for Marks

Once I got to Marks he was sitting at the table since he was about to go to work

"What's up Robbins? Coffee?" He asked and I nod

"Yea, thanks and we just need to talk" I say and i sit down with him

"So, Callie called while I was on vacation with the girls, she said she was going to sue for custody. She hasn't said anything else but I thought you should know" I say

"What?" He ask and I nod

"She..... doesn't think Sofia should be around Amelia" I say and he sighs

"Callies crazy if she thinks she is taking our daughter" he says and I nod

"I agree, there is no way. We have nothing to worry about, but I still wanted you to know" I say and he nods

"Yea, thanks" he says and I smile

"And one more thing" I say

"I want to propose to Amelia" I say and he smiles

"I think that's great. But why are you telling me?" He ask

"Because, even if Amelia is already permanent in Sofia's life, you're still her dad and I just wanted you to know" I tell him

"Have you told Sofia?" He ask me and I shake my head

"Nope, just you. I don't want to talk to the girls until everything with Callie is sorted out" I say and she nods

"Makes sense. But really Robbins. I have knows Amelia for years. I can see she loves Sofia. I wouldn't have a problem with you marrying her" he says and I smile and we both walk towards the door

"Thank you. Even if I wasn't asking your permission" I chuckle and he shakes his head

"Leave. And I'll see you tomorrow" he sayS while laughing and I nod and drive back to my house

When I got back to the house everyone was still asleep but my parents should be here in the next half an hour so I decided on waking everyone up

I walked to our room and Amelia lay on the bed in the exact position I left her in

"Ames" I say and and kiss her head

"Come lay with me" she says and pulls my waist so I end up falling on top of her and I laugh

"Amelia!" I shriek and she smirks and holds me close

"Ames baby we have to get up" I chuckle and she holds me tighter

"5 minutes" she pleads and I nod and give in and wrap my arms around her

Once our 5 minutes was up we both got up and she got dressed before waking the girls

My parents arrived soon after and my mom and made breakfast together

"It's been so long since we have been able to do this" my mom says and I smile

"I know, I miss being so close" I sigh, them now living in Colorado it's not often we get to see each other

"When are you going to propose?" She asked me and I stopped what I was doing

"What?" I ask nervously

"Arizona Hunny, I see the way you look at her and the way she looks at you. There is so much love between the two of you" she says and I smile

"Soon." I reply

"I have a ring picked out. I just have to pick it up" I tell her and she smiles

"That's great! I'm so happy for you. I can't wait. You could do it while you are on vacation" she suggest

"I want to wait until we figure everything out with Callie" I sigh

"What's going on with Callie?" She ask

"Oh... I'm she just informed me she is going to sue for custody" I explain and go through the whole scheme of what I have described to others

"Wow.... I can't believe her" she says and I sigh

"I know.... But we'll be okay" I smile and she does the same

"Have you thought about more kids?" She ask and I smile

"Yea. I have. I haven't said anything to Amelia though" I say and she smile

"I'd like another one, before I get to old to have them" I tell her

"You're an amazing mom Arizona. I think you and Amelia would do wonderful with another baby" she says and I smile

"I can't wait to marry her" I smile 

"I know. Just- don't want to long with Amelia." She says and I smile as we finish breakfast

We all ate at the tables and left the dishes in the sink

"Why don't you guys go pack for your trip and we will stay down here with the girls" my mom says and I nod and me and Amelia go upstairs

"I can't wait for tomorrow" Amelia chuckles and lays on the bed

"Hey! Get up we are packing, not napping" I say and throw a pillow at her

"You're so mean to me" she pouts and I get on the bed and straddle her lap While holding her hands above her head

"Am I?" I smirk and she nods

I kissed her lips and positioned myself with my knee in between her legs, putting pressure against her core

"We better get packed" I say seductively in her ear and release her arms and I get up from the bed

"Arizona!" She whines and I laugh and walk over to our closet

"You can wait. And we will have mind blowing sex tomorrow" I say and she groans and gets off the bed and walks over to me

Once we were packed we went back downstairs and seen my parents playing a board game with the girls

Sofia goes back with mark tonight but since we will be gone my parents agreed on watching Ellie so while mark is working Sofia will come back here

"You having fun?" I ask Sitting behind Ellie and she nods

"Yea I'm winning" she chuckles and I shake my head

The game ended with Ellie winning and she was very happy with that

"Can we watch a movie?" Sofia ask and everyone agrees

Once again Sofia sat with her grandparents and Ellie sat with me and Amelia

"Momma what time you leaving tomorrow?" Ellie whispers where only Amelia and I could hear and we both smile. I'm glad Ellie is starting to call me momma again.

"Before lunch baby" I tell her and she nods

"I love you" she says and I kiss her head

"I love you too" I smile and she focuses back on the television

This. This is what I can't wait to make permanent. I can't wait to officially make Amelia mine, make Ellie officially my daughter.

"You're thinking hard" Amelia comments and I smile

"Just about how much I love you" I say and she smiles

"Yea? How much is that" she smirks and I shake my head

"So much more than you will ever imagine"

Till next time❤️

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