Chapter 80

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Amelias POV

Arizona is now 7 months pregnant, we found out what we are having and let's just say one of our girls was ecstatic  while the other wasn't at first but came around

Everyone knows now and Arizona's parents are so happy to be grandparents again

I absolutely love that she is showing now, she doesn't all the time,

There has been times where she completely broke down about thinking I wouldn't love her anymore if her body didn't go back to the way it was

I know it was just the hormones and her feeling insecure but I felt really bad that she would ever think I would stop loving her for any reason

Arizona is at work today and the girls don't have school, so I planned for us to go out and have a day together

I don't exactly know what we're going to do but, it'll be okay. How hard can it be

"Sofia! Ellie! If you two want to go then come on" I yell up the stairs,

Arizona and I have been looking at houses and we found one we really liked and put in an offer, we are just waiting for a call,

Speaking of houses Arizona put hers on the market a while ago and she just sold it last week and we are going to list this one as soon as we move into another place

"We're coming" Sofia says and the three of us leave and head to the mall

Of course the first store we came across was the pet store

"Can we go in there? Please?" Sofia ask

"Not today," I tell them

"Why can't we get a pet?" Ellie ask

"Momma is about to have a baby, we don't have the time for a pet right now" I explain to them and we keep walking

"Can I get my ears pierced?" Ellie ask and I sigh

"Me too?" Sofia ask

"Let me call momma, and if she says yes, I will take you somewhere else, not here in the mall" I tell them and that makes them happy

We continued going to stores and we stopped and got pretzels and lemonade before heading off to get lunch

We shopped around a little more and we stopped by the park for a little 

Once they were ready to leave we drove back home and they each got some things ready to stay at Zola's,

"Mom what time are you coming tomorrow?" Sofia ask me

"Meredith is dropping you both off in the morning" I tell her and she nods

Once both kids were ready I took them over to Merediths

"Both of you be good, I don't want to hear you weren't listening" I tell them and they nod

"I love you both" I tell them and they smile

"Love you too!" They say and go inside

"Thank you for keeping them, they have been begging to spend the night with Zola" I chuckle

"Not a problem, I'll see you in the morning" she says and I leave and head back to the house

We had called Arizona this morning and she was more than happy for us to take the girls to get their ears pierced this morning so that is what we are going to  do tomorrow

When I got home I cleaned the house and started dinner so it would be done when she got home

While I was waiting for it to cook I started to feel more cramps like I have been all day

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