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The Landlord, Park Dahee, showed Hwayoung to her dorm. Dahee knocked but no one answered. Dahee was about to take out the key in the lockbox next to the door when the door quickly opened. Standing in the doorway was a girl in a bath towel. Her wet hair dripped onto the floor. She smiled at Dahee and Hwayoung.
"This is Aejung, one of your roommates." Dahee told Hwayoung.
"It's nice to meet you," Aejung said with a smile.
Hwayoung smiled back, "You too."
Aejung moved out of the way to let Hwayoung in.
"Hwayoung if you need anything you can always ask, okay?" Dahee waved bye at the girls before leaving.
Hwayoung walked into the living room area. She set her bag down and let go of her suitcase beside her as she took off her shoes. Above the shoe rack there was a sign of rules.
Rule 1: No boys allowed
Rule 2: No parties
Rule 3: No pets allowed
Rule 4: Dahee has to meet with guests before they come over
"I just got here two days ago. This is my and Jiyoung's room," Aejung pointed to the closest room to them. "Nari, Seongja, and Gyuri share that room with the anime pictures on it and that's your and Yerin's room." She pointed to a door with random stickers on it.
"Are we the only ones here?" Hwayoung asked.
"Yeah but Nari should be here soon," Aejung said before walking into her room.
Hwayoung took her bag and suitcase to her room. She saw an empty desk close to the door and another desk with stationary on it on the other side of the room under a window. She set her bag on the empty desk.
After setting up her desk she went to the bathroom and put a cup with her toothbrush and toothpaste on the counter with the others. When she walked out a girl who Hwayoung assumed was Nari walked into the living room.
"I'm home," She yelled. "Oh you must be Hwayoung. Hi, I'm Nari. I'm a junior in the journalism department." She waved and Hwayoung waved back.
"I'm Hwayoung, a freshman. I'm majoring in english."

An hour after Nari got home two more girls also got home and Aejung left. Aejung said she was meeting with her boyfriend. Hwayoung spent most of the day reading in the living room slowly introducing herself to her roommates as they came home. Gyuri wanted to make dinner for everyone that night. She made instant ramen. As Jiyoung set up the table Yerin came home. Yerin took off her shoes and went straight into her room without speaking to anyone.
Once dinner was ready Yerin came out of the room. Everyone sat around the table. Yerin, Jiyoung, and Nari sat on a bench on one side of the table. Hwayoung, Seongja, and Aejung sat on a bench on the opposite side. And Gyuri sat on a chair at the end of the table. Each girl reintroduced themselves as they ate.
"I'm Nari, a junior majoring in journalism,"
"I'm Yerin, a senior majoring in marketing,"
"I'm Aejung, a freshman majoring in digital art,"
"I'm Jiyoung, a freshman majoring in real estate,"
"I'm Gyuri, also a freshman also majoring in marketing,"
"And I'm Seongja, a sophomore majoring in sociology,"
"I'm Hwayoung, a freshman majoring in english,"
They kept talking as they ate their dinner. One by one they left for their room when they were done eating.

Hwayoung sat in an empty seat towards the front of the classroom. At the last minute a student with long black hair entered the room and sat next to Hwayoung. She moved over to the empty seat next to her leaving a gap between the two of them. He looked at her before turning his attention to the teacher.
As soon as the bell rang Hwayoung packed her things.
"Hey," said the black haired boy. Hwayoung turned to look at him.
"Why'd you move away?" He asked.
"Because I wanted to." She walked away before he could speak again.
"Hyunjin, hurry up."

Hwayoung started to walk towards the library. She felt someone bump into her and she dropped her phone. She was about to call them out when she turned to see a boy with freckles. She instantly forgot what she was about to say.
"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there," He said, bending down to pick up her phone.
"It's okay," She said looking into his eyes as he met hers.
"I'm Felix," He introduced himself.
"I'm Hyunjin," Hwayoung hadn't noticed him.
Her smile faded when their eyes met. But came back when she turned back to Felix.
"Are you going to the library?" Felix asked as they started to walk next to each other.
"We're going there too." Hyunjin said from behind them. Hwayoung didn't pay him any attention. She smiled as they walked into the library together.
"Hwayoung come sit with us," Jiyoung walked up to her. Jiyoung was sitting with Nari and a boy Hwayoung didn't know. He stood up when he noticed them.
"Bye Jiyoung I'm going to sit with them." He said pointing to Felix and Hyunjin.
"Okay, bye Minho," They walked away to sit at an empty table two tables down from them. Hwayoung joined Jiyoung and Nari. Nari greeted Hwayoung and she immediately got to studying.
"Hwayoung, when did you become friends with Felix and Hyunjin?" Jiyoung asked.
"I'm not, I just met them," She said.
"Oooh you're smiling. Do you think they're cute?" Nari teased.
"No," Hwayoung couldn't hide her smile.
Hwayoung soon got back into studying.

They left the library when it got dark outside. At their dorm they saw Yerin looking out the window. She was talking to a guy in front of their dorm. Once Yerin noticed them she quickly closed the window and walked away. He looked confused till he turned to look at them. He politely smiled and walked away as his ears turned bright red. Jiyoung walked ahead to enter the dorm first. When they walked in, Yerin was talking to Seongja and Aejung.
"He's just a coworker," She said, trying to get away from them.
"Are you sure," Jiyoung joined them.
"Yes," Yerin gave a stern look before going into her room. Jiyoung frowned before going into the kitchen.

Youth Vol. 1 | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now