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Jiyoung was wearing the headband from the costume store this morning. She was having breakfast before class. Hwayoung and Aejung walked out of their rooms at the same time. Gyuri walked out soon after. Aejung sat at the table across from Jiyoung. Hwayoung sat next to her and Gyuri sat at the end of the table. "So Gyuri, why did you and your ex break up?" Jiyoung asked out of nowhere. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at Jiyoung. Hwayoung had her mouth open to take a bite of her toast. She closed her mouth and placed her toast back on the plate. "I'm sorry" Gyuri blinked many times. Jiyoung repeated her question. "Um, I fell out of love with her," Gyuri Answered. She didn't know why she answered Jiyoung's question. Jiyoung has never seemed to care about the other girls' relationships so it was weird for her to be asking. "Aejung," Jiyoung looked at her and widened her eyes. "What about you?" Aejung closed her eyes and placed her spoon back into her bowl of oatmeal. "Our relationship was one-sided," She opened her eyes again but avoided eye contact with them. "I've never been in a relationship," Jiyoung leaned back in her chair. "Hwayoung?" Jiyoung turned her head to look at her. "I'd rather not say," She looked at the other girls. Aejung and Gyuri seemed to understand and went back to eating their breakfast. Hwayoung started to get up from her seat. Jiyoung also got up from her seat. Hwayoung walked over to the sink to wash her dishes and watched as Jiyoung walked to the bathroom. The three girls looked at each other confused. Not that long later Jiyoung walked out of the bathroom and went to the shoe rack. "Bye," She smiled at them and left for class with the headband still on.

Hwayoung met up with Hayun, Changbin, Seongjin, and Minji in front of Noori's dorm building. "Hwayoung~" Hayun ran up to Hwayoung and hugged her. She pulled away with her arms still around her waist. "Noori said he'll drive us to my brother's house and Seongjin said he'll meet us there," Hayun let go of Hwayoung. "He said he'll get off work in half an hour." Minji walked up to them. "Are we ready to go?" Noori walked out of the building. He looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. It's almost noon. Hwayoung was judging him and he knew it. "I had to stay up late to finish an assignment so I could drive you to Jungeun and Insu's place," He pointed a finger at Hwayoung. "I didn't say anything," She threw her hands up defensively.

"Good afternoon," Hayun was excited to be back in her brother's house. "Good afternoon," everyone said one by one as they walked in. "Hello," Jungeun walked into the room, wiping her hands on her apron. "Um, Insu said he'll need Hwayoung and Minji's help to move something in the backyard." She pointed to the sliding door behind her. Insu walked into the room. "Hwayoung, Minji I need you to help me bring these tables into the backyard," He was dragging two foldable tables, "there's more in the car." He gestured to the car outside with his head. Minji and Hwayoung walked back outside and got in two tables each, which were the last two.

Hwayoung made sure the tables didn't touch the floor. She was annoyed by the fact that she had to change her shoes to slippers but she also wouldn't want to walk through any house without slippers. Minji trailed behind her. Hayun stayed in the kitchen with Jungeun and Jungeun's mom. They were making many snacks for the party.

10 minutes after they arrived, Jungeun's friends and Insu's friends arrived. They then took over the kitchen duties and set up the tables in the backyard. Now Hwayoung and her friends' only jobs were making a balloon arch and centerpieces.

As Minji placed the first balloon on the arch Seongjin walked through the front door. He quickly put on guest slippers before walking over to the group. "Sorry, they kept me late at work," He apologized as he joined Hayun and Hwayoung to make the centerpieces. "My parents are letting me stay in our in our winter cabin in the mountains," Changbin placed another balloon on the arch. Rich people, the group collectively thought. "They said i could invite whoever i want," He turned to smile at us. "So do you want to come?" "I'll go," Minji added a balloon. "Me too," Noori said before blowing up a balloon. "When," Seongjin asked as he glued a tan ribbon on a mason jar. He handed the mason jar to Hayun who added a plastic teddy bear in the middle of the ribbon. She then handed it to Hwayoung who put fake flowers into the jar. "During winter break," Changbin gave him a look saying did you really need to ask.

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