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"Now that we're all here we can get started." Hwayoung sat down in her chair next to Hyunjin and Felix in the study room she had booked.

"They're an actual couple you know," Chanyoung whispered to Eunjoo.

She looked at him confused.

"We can hear you." Hwyaoung leaned on the desk and whispered.

"Sorry," He said under his breath.

"We're not leaving here until we have the first hundred pages written." Hwayoung took out her laptop with the shared document she made pulled up.

"What?" Chanyoung looked up from his laptop.

"I want to get as much done as soon as possible. I think getting a hundred done today and the last hundred done next time we're free will be enough time for us to finish."

"Hwayoung I don't think we can do that," Felix whispered.

"We have this room until eight we can do it."

"You can't trap us in here to work on a class project." Chanyoung stood up from his desk

"You don't have to be here." Hwayoung stayed seated, looking up at him. "You can leave but you won't get credit."

"Hwayoung can you come with me?" Hyunjin stood up from his seat. She followed him outside. "Why do you want to get so much work out of the way?" He asked once the door closed behind her.

"Because I don't want to spend more time with them than I have to. This is a class project. Let's just get it done fast." She turned to walk inside but he stopped. "This is how I do school work. You know that." He waited for her to stop talking. "We've spent all afternoon working on homework."

"I know you and I can but they don't do that." He let go of her shoulders. "They work differently than us. You need to compromise."

"Then how much work should we do today?"

"Let's just start and we'll see how long we stay. Chanyoung can leave whenever he likes. We can't stop him." He knew she was going to mention him.

"You're too nice." She walked back in. "Let's start. We'll see how much we can get done before we see if it's enough before leaving."

The three of them nodded.

"Who wants to start writing?" Hwayoung asked.

"Oh, I do." Eunjoo had her laptop ready. She brought her hands to the keys ready to type.

"How should we start the story?" Felix asked.

"Maybe we should come up with their names first," Hyunjin suggested.

"Does anyone have any name ideas?"

"I like Siwoo and Yunhee." Eunjoo looked up from her laptop.

"Okay we have our names," Hwayoung wrote them down.

"I was thinking we should start with Siwoo in the convenience store. He's bored, everything is slow, but once Yunhee and her friends walk in it's not so boring anymore." Chanyoung twirled his pen in his hand.

Hwayoung and Eunjoo nodded their heads. Eunjoo started typing.

They started bouncing ideas off each other. After Eunjoo wrote ten pages worth of content they switched to Chanyoung. His writing was better than Hwayoung expected. It was poetic.

"I'm going to get a peach iced tea. Does anyone want anything?" Hwayoung said, getting up from her seat.

"A peach iced tea," Eunjoo handed Hwayoung the money.

Youth Vol. 1 | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now