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"Did you know moms love me?" Hyunjin had seemed happier recently. He was laying on the couch in Hwayoung's dorm. He had a high school romance drama playing on the TV. Changbin was sitting on the couch practically cuddling with Hyunjin. Hwayoung tried her best not to laugh at them.
"That's good to know," Hwayoung was in her room packing her things. She left the door open to be able to talk to him and Changbin as she packed. She was okay with letting them into the dorm, just not her room.
"Changbin," Hwayoung called. "Chunghee Oppa said he wants you to give his headphones back."
"Who's Chunghee?" Hyunjin whispered to Changbin. "Her older brother." He whispered back.
The three of them would be leaving by train the following morning. Hwayoung planned on meeting with the boys at the train station but they said it would be better to sleep at her dorm and leave together in the morning. She thought they were kidding till they showed up that night. Hwayoung had to ask the other girls if they were okay with it. Jiyoung, Seongja, and Gyuri said as long as they don't touch their things they're fine with it since in their words they're going to get wasted and make bad decisions. Nari didn't care since she was spending the night at a friend's house. And Yerin said she had the overnight shift at her job so it's fine with her. Aejung whined about it at first but she seems to have gotten over it. She's locked herself in the room and it doesn't seem like she'll be leaving anytime soon.
Hwayoung told them they can sleep on the couch or the floor. They both chose the couch.
"Tomorrow I'll wake you up at 7 okay?" Hwayoung was starting to close the door.
"Good night," Hyunjin and Changbin chorused
"Good night feos," She closed the door.
Instead of going to sleep right away, she stayed on her phone. She ended up only getting 5 hours of sleep that night.

The next morning Hwayoung's alarm went off. She turned it off while still in bed. She slipped on her slippers before walking to the bathroom. It was locked. She heard the water running. She knocked, then walked over to Changbin who was still sleeping on the couch.
"Changbin," She whispered sweetly. "Wake up." She said a little louder than her normal speaking voice, next to his ear.
Changbin quickly got up. He looked side to side to see what woke him up. He rolled his eyes when he made eye contact with Hwayoung who was smiling at him, inches away from his face.
"Good morning," He gave her a death glare as she walked away to the kitchen. The water had stopped running. She planned on making herself an iced coffee. As she opened the fridge the bathroom door opened. Hyunjin came out. His hair was still wet.
"I took a shower if that's okay." He said.
"It's fine," She walked past him, avoiding eye contact, and entered the bathroom.

The three of them were finally ready to go. They took a taxi to the train station. Hwayoung was the last of them to enter the train. Changbin and Hyunjin sat in two of the seats and Hwayoung sat by herself in the row next to them. Hwayoung tossed and turned multiple times in her seat, trying to find a comfortable sleeping position. She leaned against the window and Hyunjin came to sit in the seat next to her.
"Are you having trouble sleeping?" He asked.
"Yeah," She looked out the window.
"Do you need help?"

"Hwayoung," Changbin whispered. "Wake up," He said a little louder than his normal speaking voice, right next to her ear just like she had done to him earlier. Changbin was leaning over Hyunjin to reach Hwayoung's ear. He leaned back and started to walk away when she started to slowly open her eyes. When she realized her head was on Hyunjin's shoulder and that they were holding hands she got up. She didn't look at him as she got her things and got off the train.
They took another taxi to Hwayoung's house.
"I can help you with that," Hyunjin tried to help Hwayoung with her suitcase when they got out of the taxi. She was struggling to get a good hold on it so she wouldn't drop it when she got it out.
"No thank you," She said. She walked up to the front door. Hyunjin was walking behind and Changbin was still getting his bag. After the first knock, her mom opened the door. She was wearing an elegant dress that fit her body perfectly. Hwayoung could tell she had her sister do her makeup and hair before they got there. She wondered what time her mom woke up her sister to get her to do this.
"Hwayoungi," She brought her daughter into a hug. Her mom made sure her hug wouldn't ruin her outfit.
"Hi Umma," Hwayoung hugged her back.
"And Changbin," Hwayoung's mom brought him into a hug too. He had the biggest smile on his face. After letting go of him she turned to Hyunjin.
"And this must be your boyfriend," Hwayoung didn't have to see her mom's face to know she was smiling at him. Hyunjin seemed nervous. Hwayoung was clueless as to why.
"No," Changbin and Hwayoung said at the same time. She smacked him on his arm a little too hard. Changbin rubbed his arm as he smiled at Hwayoung's mom.
"Hello, Mrs..." He looked at Hwayoung, who didn't try to help him.
"Jang," Changbin answered for Hwayoung. She gave Changbin a death glare.
"Hello, Mrs. Jang. It's very lovely to meet you," Mrs. Jang turned to Hwayoung. "He's very cute." She turned back to Hyunjin and smiled at him. Hwayoung turned to walk into the house. She took off her shoes and put on her house slippers. She carefully put her shoes next to the others.
"Hwayoung," Mr. Jang walked up to Hwayoung with open arms. They hugged as the others walked into the house. Once Mr. Jang let go of Hwayoung, she walked into the living room. In there was her sister, Dalrae, and brother, Chunghee.
"Hi," Hwayoung waved at them. She felt heavy pressure coming from them, mostly her sister. A feeling she hasn't felt since she moved into the dorm.
"Is he here?" Dalrae got up from her seat. She looked happier to see Hwayoung's alleged boyfriend than her sister.
"Yeah Changbin's putting on his slippers," Hwayoung answered.
"Not him." Her voice had a bit of a whining tone to it. A tone that Hwayoung just realized she hears too often.  "Your boyfriend."
"Like I told you I don't have a boyfriend." Hwayoung felt like a child.
"If you don't have a boyfriend then why is the boy from the picture here?" Dalrae was half in the living room and half in the hallway.
"You're just as crazy as Hayun," Dalrae had walked away to talk to Hyunjin.
"Did Changbin bring me my headphones?" Chunghee asked.
"I don't know,"
The two boys eventually made it to the living room. Mr. Jang took the boys' things to the guest bedroom while everyone else talked in the living room. Changbin was purposely sitting as far as he could from Chunghee. Changbin and Hwayoung were sitting in couch chairs on opposite sides of the couch. From left to right, the sitting order was Changbin, Mrs. Jang, Hyunjin, Dalrae, Chunghee, and Hwayoung. When Mr. Jang returned, he sat next to his wife. Changbin was sitting crisscrossed on the chair.
"Are you Hwayoung's boyfriend?" Dalrae asked.
"No, we're just friends," Hyunjin answered. He looked at Hwayoung then back at Dalrae.
"Hayun said you two were dating." Dalrae retorted.
"I thought you didn't like Hayun," Hwayoung interrupted. Dalrae put her hand up as if to tell her to stop talking.
"They were just holding hands," Changbin said. "They do that sometimes."
Hwayoung's family turned to look at her.
"I've never held a boy's hand before I don't know what he's talking about," Hwayoung held her hands up in defense. Changbin flashed her an innocent smile.
"Who cares if they're dating or not," Chunghee stood up. "Do you have my headphones?" He asked Changbin. Pointing an accusing finger at him.
"Headphones? You never gave me headphones."

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