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"Seungmin invited us to his practice baseball game today," Gyuri said during breakfast.
"I can't go," Yerin said and left her dishes in the sink. "I have work." Yerin walked to the door and left.
"Chan also said he couldn't go," Gyuri added.
"He wants all of us to go?" Nari asked.
"Yeah, he said his roommates and Jeongin, minus Chan, will be there."
"Um, my friend's brother will be on the team the game is against. So they invited me to go with them." Hwayoung sat there awkwardly.
"It's fine as long as you come to the game," Gyuri reassured her.
The girls got ready for the game.
"How long is a baseball game?" Aejung asked as she put on her shoes.
"It can go on for three hours more or less," Seongja replied.
Aejung gasped. "Why so long?"
Seongja shrugged.

They walked to the school's baseball field. There they saw the boys. Hwayoung had also noticed her friends were sitting not that far from them. She quickly said hello and walked past them to sit with her friends. Hyunjin noticed and tried to go with her but the game started so he stayed seated.
"WOOOH GO SEONGCHUL HYUNG!" Seongjin yelled when Seongchul, his brother, made it to first base.
Hyunjin got up from his seat and started to walk towards Hwayoung.
"Hyunjin can you go get me my sunglasses from the car," Minho had a mischievous grin on his face.
Hyunji sighed and went to get Minho's sunglasses. He closed the passenger seat door. He walked back to the bleachers and on his way back he ran into Noori who was on his way back from the restroom.
"Hey, you're Hwayoung's friend right?" Noori asked.
"Yeah," Hyunjin smiled profoundly. He liked being called her friend.
"I'm Noori. I'm also a friend of Hwayoung." Noori held his hand out.
"Hyunjin," Hyunjin grabbed his hand and shook it.
On their way back to the bleachers they talked. Hwayoung heard people laughing behind. She turned to see who it was. She saw Hyunjin and Noori. Noori took his seat next to Hayun and Seungjin. Hyunjin sat next to Hwayoung who was seated next to Minji above the other three.
"What do you want," Hwayoung asked. She was focused on the game.
"What makes you think I want something?"
"When'd you become friends with Noori?"
"Just now," Hyunjin turned his attention back to the game.
Seungmin was up to bat. Without realizing it Hyunjin had grabbed Hwayoung's hand.
Hyunjin yelled when Seungmin hit a home run which let his teammate on second base reach home base too.
Hyunjin stood up along with the others rooting for the home team. Hwayoung and her friends stayed seated. The two were still holding hands. Hwayoung didn't let go. Hyunjin took notice of their hands.
"You're wearing the bracelet." He said.
"Yeah," She kept her focus on the game.
Hyunjin smiled and also focused on the game.

At the end of the game Hwayoung's and Seungmin's roommates met up with Seungmin. Hwayoung and her friends went with Seongchul. Seongjin congratulated Seongchul and his team for winning the game.
Afterward, Hwayoung went to a pizza place with Noori, Hayun, Minji, Seongjin, and Seongchul. The others went back to their dorm. Minji and Seongchul went to get drinks and the others stayed at their booth.
"Why didn't you tell me you and that guy started dating?" Hayun leaned in closer. Hayun was sitting across from Hwayoung.
Before Hwayoung could answer Hayun started talking again "Don't lie. I saw you holding hands," Hwayoung felt her face heat up but ignored it.
"You saw wrong,"

Noori and Hayun dropped Hwayoung off at her dorm later that night. Hayun begged Hwayoung to let her inside her dorm but Hwayoung refused. As she opened the door she saw Nari and Minho sitting on the couch looking like they were guilty of something. Hwayoung paid no attention to them. She noticed no one else was home so she got ready for bed. Minho left not that long after she got home.

"Noori, did you know Hwayoung was dating that boy from the baseball game?" Hayun asked once Hwayoung got out of the car.
"No, are they really," Noori stayed parked.
"Yeah, look," Hayun took out her phone. She showed him a picture of Hyunjin and Hwayoung holding hands.
"Did you ask Hwayoung?" Noori started the car.
"She says they're not dating but I don't believe her."

"Is Hyunjin home?" Hwayoung went to the boy's dorm. Changbin was the one who answered the door.
"Why," He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Answer the question,"
"He is not,"
Hwayoung was dumbfounded. She stood there with her lips apart. Changbin opened the door wider to let her in. She took off her shoes and put on guest slippers. She saw Minho cooking in the kitchen and Felix playing a game on his laptop in the living room. Felix looked up at her and smiled. He quickly waved and turned his attention back to his game. Hwayoung sat on the couch behind him and waited for Hyunjin to get back.
After an hour Hyunjin entered the dorm with Seungmin and Jisung. Seungmin and Jisung greeted Hwayoung before leaving to do their own thing. Hyunjin sat on the couch next to her.
"What are you doing here?" He asked Hwayoung.
"You know your new bestie, Noori," Hyunjin shook his head. "Well his girlfriend, Hayun, told my parents, my sister, and my brother we're dating." Hyunjin's eyes widened slightly.
"So now they want to meet you at my sister's going away party." Hwayoung saw out of the corner of her eye that Felix had paused his game to listen to their conversion.
"Hayun sent this picture to my sister, who then sent it to my brother and parents," She showed him a picture of them holding hands at the baseball game last week. "I've tried to convince them that we are just friends but they don't believe me."
"Okay," Hyunjin was thinking.
"So will you go to the party with me," She held up her finger so that he didn't interrupt her. "To convince my family we aren't dating."
"Yes!" Changbin shouted from his room.

Youth Vol. 1 | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now