🌟Favorites 🌟

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Another day.
Another silly argument.

Five sat down in his chair in the library, his obnoxiously loud "siblings" surrounding him. He kept trying to focus on the book at hand, but the bustling voices around him kept him off task. Be searched for Vanya, but to no avail. Most likely studying Violin in another room.

"Oh My God I hate that Violin." Deigo groaned, rembering the other night with the sound wafted into the boys open room.

Five felt himself tense at the comment, an annoyed look on his face at Deigo's comment. Before he could say anything, Alison had but in.

"That's why your not her favorite. I bet I'm her favorite." She said, smiling triumphantly.

This was an argument they had alot. Specifically, who was the most popular amongst their "fanbase". Five inwardly groaned as he knew a new conversation would insue.

"Me and Vanya are besties. I'm clearly her favorite." Klaus said, scoffing slightly.

"She wouldn't be able to stand more than four minutes with you too. I'm the closest to her favorite." Ben, who hasn't spoken much that day, had said.

Five peered over the top of his book. A sulking Deigo, Luther looking confused as always, and the three others arguing. How lovely. His mind began to wander to the conversation he tuned into. Out of all of these mongrels, clearly Five was her favorite...Right? Slowly, the thought of not being Vanya's favorite ate away at him, till he just ended up getting pissed.

They ended their conversations, before going and completing whatever training and other menial tasks were to be finished. Five quickly went to Vanya's room, sighing, before knocking on her door. Be needed answers. The soft pitter of socks on the ground could be heard as Vanya creaked open the door.

"F-five?" She said, caught off-gaurd that he would be visiting her at the moment.

"Ahem" he cleared his throat, "mag I come in?" He asked, avoiding eye contact with the shorter girl. His face seemed embarrassed, but he need closure on the matter.

Vanya let him in, as she plopped herself down on her bed, her brown eyes widened with curiosity.

"Whos your favorite." He said with a sudden demanding tone. He had remembered what he came to her for, and had gotten worked up again.

"Oh, uh-" Vanya started, but couldn't find the right words. How was she supposed to explain that he was her favorite?

"I like you all equally?" Her answer came out more as a question.

Five knew that wasn't true. Getting ragged on by certain members of this household had to bias her. He quirked an eyebrow, his eyes giving her a skeptical look. She sighed, her cheeks flushing with color.

"I guess...you would be my favorite." She said quietly, her voice barley above a whisper.

Just those seven words but Five in a better mood. He composed himself, smirking slightly, as he cleared his throat.

"They were wrong." A petty look and time flashed over Fives feature.

Vanya sat there, blinking at him. What?


Five X Vanya OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now