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Vanya had noticed something in the 15 years she grew up at the academy.

She blushed. Alot.

But not just around anyone. Oh no, specifically, around a spacial jumping brunette. And Vanya couldn't help but feel special around him. How was it that one boy could make Vanya feel fireworks in heart. Well, he wasn't just one boy.

He was Number Five.

So, here's a little something entitled: blushing for you throughout the years.

Age: 6

As Vanya reached for the paint brush that laid next to her, her hand seemed to collide with someone's. When she looked up, she had realized that it was none-other than Five. She gave him a smile, as he smiled back at her. So, she backed off the paint brush, but was suddenly stopped.

"You can have it." Five said, handing her the paint brush before finding another one.

Vanya couldn't help but feel all the blood run to her cheeks in a fiery blaze. At the time, she had no realization of what that meant- if it meant anything at all. Five had always been so kinda to her and she acknowledged it, probably more hung up on it then she should have been. But she didn't quite know why, so she brushed it off.

Age: 9

Vanya had been walking through the courtyard of the large house when suddenly, a very large rock was thrown at Vanya, missing her by just an inch.

"Luther! You could of it hit her!" Alison hissed, furrowing her brows at the seemingly unapologetic Luther.

"This is why I'm the one with the aim." Deigo boasted, grining.

Suddenly, a pop was heard behind Vanya. It spooked her even more, as she jumped slightly into the air. A larger set of hands rested themselves on her shaking shoulders.

"Are you guys serious? How come-" Five started, but that was all Vanya could hear before it all became a blurb of nonsense.

Her face was burning red from the close proximity of the two. She could really feel his heavy hands on her, as if he had weights on his hands. Her shaking shoulders had begun to some what relax, and so had begun the spiral of thoughts in her mind. Why was she acting so shy around him? She took a deep breath before pushing it to the back of her mind. Maybe she was just over thinking things again.

Age: 12

The violin was elegantly placed on top of Vanya's shoulders as the bow ran back and forth across the strings. The melody carried throughout the house, and before Vanya knew it, Five was listening to her playing, his head peaking through the crack in the door. Her eyes were lightly closed, so she didn't notice his presence. He liked it that way though. As Vanya finished the piece, her eyes fluttered open and landed on the boy spying on her. Her face felt on fire. She quickly put her hands to her burning cheeks, feeling lighter all of a sudden. Proudly and loudly, Vanya watched as Fives hands clapped. She also noted the grin that played on his lips.

"That sounded great Vanya." Five smiled up at her, before his named was called.

"I really like hearing you play-" he said, before poping away.

Vanya sighed. She already missed him. Still, her burning cheeks didn't extinguish. And once again, those thoughts were pushed back to her head. Was she in love with Five? No. No? Her brain seemed jumbled, and very confused. There were so many signs pointing to her feelings, yet she choose to ignore them. She preferred to be blissfully ignorant. And so, she shoved herself back into her music sheets and violin.

Age: 15

Vanya watched from the landing, as the rest of her family ate a very fancy dinner with very "important" people. She felt a pang of sadness, realizing that she wasn't what people considered important. Quickly, she scurried back to her room. She didn't feel like playing the violin. She didn't want to be a nuisance. Unfortunately for her, Five had seen her before she ran away. So for the next two hours Vanya sat there in her room, staring at the wall. It's funny, when you're bored anything comes to mind, it's all fair game. Without any warning, the subject that she had pushed away so many times was brought back. Her feelings on Five.

"I-i- don't think so?" She thought aloud.

"Don't think what?" She was startled to hear a voice. None-other than Five had somehow gotten into her room without her noticing.

"Oh nothing, just thinking about something." Vanya said, a dreamy look cast over her eyes. Five smiled before waltzing over.

"I wanted to check up on you- it must be hard not being invited to the dinners. I think you should be. I don't see why not! Your a valuable member of this house hold! Reginald just-" and Five was off on another one of his tangents that Vanya had the honor of listening to.

Vanya giggled, hearing how passionate he was. He usually was very animated about things he was zealous in. But this want different. And it took Vanya a minute to really register that he was very passionate about...her. And there it was again, that pesky blush. As if someone had lit a fire under her cheeks, Vanya became very flustered.

"He just- Vanya, your burning up!" Five gently set his cheeks on Vanya's rose colored face, only inflaming it more.

"I-im fine!" She said, nervously smiling.

"Five?" Could be heard from Reginald, as Five had made an excuse to leave the dinner table.

"Lie down okay? Ill be back, I promise." And with that, Five was gone.

Leaving in his wake, a very flustered Vanya who obeyed and laid down, thinking. That was the last night she was stuck in her thoughts on this subject.

Five was the only one that could make her blush the way she did. And she wouldn't want it any other way.


Hahahah ITS TWO IN THE MORNING. I am, how you say, T I R E D. But I really wanted to get this chapter out! It's to make up for the VERY short last chapter heebhehrheks. I also added art! Yay! Next chapter will probably be Vanya going to school, because I've had that idea for a while. Anyways: happy... Friday⁉️feels so weird to say! Have a lovely night cookies♥️🍪

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