🩹Injuries 🩹

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$+&Vanya's POV&-$

I watched as everyone had finished training and we're walking back inside. I practically gasped as I saw Five's horrible state. They all left to their rooms, most likely to relax. I quickly scurried towards his room, gently opening the door.

"Hey, F-five?" I asked softly.

"Mgmgh" I heard him groan, him planted, head burried in his sheets.

I walked over to him, sitting on the bed and pulling out ibuprofen, gauze, and isopropyl alcohol. Softly removing his uniform sweater vest and button up. It showed scars and deep gashes. I poured the alcohol on a small sheet of gauze, dapping it lightly on his deep wounds.

"Hssssss" I heard him hiss and wince as he felt the pain soar through his back.

"S-sorry" I mumbled, counting to clean up and than bandage him.

When I was wrapping up his wounds, he must have fallen asleep, so I gently pushed him up and rolled him on his back. I got lost, looking at his defined, toned, abs. I placed my smaller finger on his chest, tracing his 6-pack. My hands trailed up to his jaw bone, running my fingers along the lines. Eventually, I felt my lips gravitate to his face, planting them on soft ones. I quickly pulled away and blushes, pulling the covers over him and leaving the room.

~~~That Night~~~

After dinner, I went to check on Five.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in." Could be heard from the other end of the door.

I opened the door, slidding into his room. I closed the door behind me, walking towards him.

"Oh, Vanya, hey." Five said, walking to me.

"I, uh, wanted to check up on you. I was really worried." I said, looking into his large, green eyes. 

"Sorry for making you worry. " He says, practically brushing me off.

"You need to stop hurting yourself! I hate seeing you like this!" I say, grabbing his face and pulling him closer.

"Stop putting yourself in danger! Please! I-i don't want you getting injuried..." I burst out.

I see his eye's widen again, and then close, smiling.

"I care about you and I dont wanna see you getting hurt because I-I...because I-  I love you!" I say, closing my eyes tight and shut.

"I love you to Vanya." I hear him saying, feeling his soft pink lips up against my.

We sit there, lips locked together, and I thought it couldn't be possible to be more embarrassed. Breaking apart for air, I lay my head on his chest.

"Oh, by the way, even though you thought I was asleep, I wasn't. I still felt you kiss me." He says, smirking.

My face heats up and I burry my head farther into his chest.

Now that was embarrassing.


So that was it! Cute little story! I really love this ship ahhh! Have a good one and stay spooky. Bye bye lil cookies🍪♥️

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