🌿Seasons of Blossoms🌿

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If you were to ask Five his favorite season, he would answer simply. Spring. 

The smell of the fresh air, an inviting and welcoming scent, as the flowery hue drifted through the breeze. A warm release upon a period of cold, isolation. The sun, peaking just out of the bright, white clouds. Finally, the flowers would bloom, trees gain their leaves, and a warm, fluttery sensation would fill the heart.

If you asked Vanya what her favorite season was, she would simply answer, Autum.

The cool, tenderness of the air, a sweet release from the non-stop blister of the sun. The way the leaves would change colors, a sense of nuance filling the season with difference. The sun would hang low in the sky, just enough to keep warm, and just enough to feel the breeze against your skin comfortably.  A period of relaxation, something new, and needed. 

Two seasons, completely different in comparison, yet so similar, their stark similarities bound to no end. 

Five was like Autum too Vanya. His aura also seemed intense and serious, yet when alone, offered a compassionate and delicate side unbeknownst to many. His comfort, and understanding, along with his refreshing scent and ideas, always filled Vanya with a warmth only described as sitting in a tree on an autumn day. He offered her a bright patch, tucked away in a whirlwind of blame and shame. Never would she take that for granted.

Vanya was like Spring to Five. Her compassion and optimism drew him in, as she gave him the comfort and aid, he needed.  Her hopeful outlook on the world left him feeling warmth, despite the cold circumstances he would find himself in.  She was someone to confide in, to trust, only described as the reassurance spring brought when the flowers started to bloom. She was his reassurance everything was to be alright. 

Maybe it was the way Five pinched at the bridge of his nose, or maybe it was the way her dark brown eyebrows knit together in frustration when he was solving a difficult mathematical equation. Whatever the situation was, Vanya found herself noticing these small details. Something she hadn't before. Now she would see him when he ran his hands through to fix his hair, or when he would offer small smile to her across the dinner table. Something inside her seemed to almost blossom.

Five couldn't think of a reason as to why she was so distracting. Her hands, interlacing when she was nervous, or the way her bangs would sweep the wind left him uncharacteristically distraught. How hadn't he noticed this before? The small details in how her hands worked to glide across her beloved violin, or how her fingers would play with the fringe of her skirt, as she talked to others. He couldn't but his finger on it, but an unfamiliar feeling forced its way to the top.

Despite the irrefutable feelings, Spring and Autum were just too different. Spring, in fear the rain would wash the flowers and warmth away, and Autum, scared the cold it would bring would be too harsh to bare. Yet, their differences were what attracted. Like magnets, they were pulled, because no matter the thunderstorms, or the harsh chills, it would only pave the way for the next season to bloom into a bearable beauty, or a useful boredom.

And just like Spring and Autum, the two teenagers, under unfortunate circumstance and the weight of differences, like magnets, they were inevitably going to pull.

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