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"Alright, I got to get to class. See you later Lou." Niall, Louis's best friend says smiling.

"See ya," Louis says, smiling back sweetly.

Niall is one of the few people Louis can hold an actual conversation with, without becoming uncontrollably quiet.

They met nearly four years ago when Louis first moved to Doncaster, and Niall was assigned to show Louis around the school. Louis was shy at first but eventually opened up a bit when he realized the Irish boy utterly hilarious and they've just been close ever since.

Louis waves goodbye to Niall before heading over to his second-period class, already missing his blonde-haired friend.

But Louis is used to being alone, not just in school but always.

Louis's mom left him and his dad when he was young, so young that he doesn't even remember a single thing about her. But he still misses her and being alone with his dad was a true nightmare, to say the least, it was constant emotional and physical abuse. His dad was the kind of guy never seen without a drink in hand. And anytime he wasn't hurting Louis in some way, he was just completely neglecting him and pretending he doesn't exist.

His entire childhood was getting beaten and screamed at for no reason. The countless sleepless nights he had, afraid his dad may come into his room and try to do something to him while he was asleep.

Or the days he spent passed out on the floor, too beaten and bruised to be able to stay conscious for more than two seconds.

Louis hated his life with every fiber in his body and was fed up with the constant pain and suffering, so around the age of fourteen, he did the only thing he could do. Run and never even dream of looking back.

He had just enough money to get him started with his old birthday cash and the few hundred pounds he stole out of his father's wallet while he was passed out drunk.

He took a train to Doncaster, where he moved into a small one-bedroom apartment on a run-down street, using every last penny of his money.

It only took him about a week to get himself enrolled in his local public high school and find a minimum wage job at a coffee shop a few miles away from his house. Money has been tight to say the least ever since. Ten pounds an hour doesn't necessarily pay the bills perfectly but anything is better than staying with his dad.

The only person who has been there for him was Niall, well at least there for him at school. He never really lets anyone come to his house, not wanting to have to tell anyone about his past life.

He keeps his eyes on his shoes as he walks into the class full of students, already feeling a bit miserable about being in school.

"Good morning Louis." His teacher Mrs.Clark greats once she sees him walk through the door frame.

"Morning" He whispers politely, sitting in the seat near the back of the class.

A dizzy spell begins to wash over Louis as he turns to pull his books out of his backpack to get ready for class. He blinks his eyes harshly, awaiting for the feeling to pass. But it just seems to get worse as his mind starts to feel fuzzy, he shakes his head out a bit, trying to clear his mind.

"You okay bud?" Mrs.Clark asks, noticing Louis.

Mrs.Clark has always liked Louis, she knows he's a sweet boy and knows he's a bit on the shy side, so she watches out for him and make sure he's alright, knowing the boy doesn't have too many close friends.

Louis just simply nods in return, for some reason, not wanting to talk as the fuzzy feeling grows in his mind.

Mrs.Clark crouches down next to the small boy and begins to assess him with her eyes, she has seen this kind of behavior before. She can tell that Louis is slipping into his little headspace but he can't be a little, it's not possible.

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