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Narrator's POV:

"Louis!" The boy hears being called as he sprints as away from the mansion of a home.

He runs as fast as his small body possibly can carry him without falling, not even daring to look back to check to see how close the twins are.

Louis turns down a random street, hoping to lose the twins.

He knows this is crazy and that he running away from them is pointless and that they will find him eventually but it seemed like the only option to him, so here he is.

Louis runs for a few more minutes until his legs begin to feel numb.

He slows down in his tracks before turning around, he lets out a sigh of relief when he sees that there is no one in sight.

He limps over to a tree a few get away from him on the sidewalk and slowly sits down, his back rested against the wood.

He closes his eyes and tries to catch his breath, feeling utterly drained. He already regrets leaving Harry and Edward, he feels alone and scared. He hopes that the boys aren't mad at him, even though he knows that they probably should be.

When he opens up his eyes, he is immediately flushed with worry when he sees that he is completely lost. He mindlessly took a few turns when he was running and now has no clue where he is.

He whimpers softly and brings his knees up to his chest feeling terrible for what he did. He shouldn't have just left but now he is much too embarrassed to even try and go back to their place. They probably wouldn't want him there anyway.

Louis groans in annoyance when he feels drops of rain land on the top of his head.

"Darn it," Louis says to himself sadly.

He stands up with a wince, his legs already feeling sore. And he begins to walk further down the street, praying that he is going in the right direction as the rain begins to downpour on his body.

It takes about forty minutes for Louis to even get somewhere remotely firmer. And he is now freezing, the rain hasn't lightened up a bit, his clothes are drenched in water and his body is shaking.

He is tired and just wants to get home already, but he knows that he is still a solid thirty minutes away from his apartment unless he runs, which he is much too tired to do.

He wants Harry and Edward, he wants to be back in their warm hold but he knows that if he is thinking this way, it means that he's getting too attached.

He tries his best to stop thinking about the curly-haired men as he continues to walk, feeling completely miserable. He doesn't think he has ever been this cold or this tired in his entire life.

After a long and painful thirty minutes of walking, Louis eventually reaches his apartment. He sludges up the multiple flights of stairs, nearly collapsing back down them with every step.

He sleepily unlocks his door, his body still violently shivering from his drenched clothes.

He sighs sadly when he walks into his room and feels it to be just as cold inside as it is outside. The heat broke in his place about two years ago and never got fixed but it's not just that. He looks up to see that his one window now has been smashed to pieces, little shards of glass all over his floor as the cold air blows into his room.

Louis's eyes fill with tears, it's freezing and he knows that he doesn't have enough money to get it fixed, so his apartment is going to be cold for a long time.

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