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Narrator's POV:

"You hungry kiddo? I could make you whatever you want you know, and we can make cookies together if you would like." Maverick asks the little boy who was still in his arms.

The twins had only left minutes ago but Louis already misses them terribly.

Louis shrugs to the man in response.

"Well thats okay darling. Why don't we just have some cuddle time on the couch and if you are feeling up for it in a little bit you can help me make some yummy cookies again." Maverick says softly, feeling bad that Lou was feeling so down.

"Otay." Louis says before placing his head on the mans shoulder comfortingly.

Mav walks them over to the lounge room where he sits with the small boy on one of his legs.

Truth be told, Maverick was a little bit nervous about watching Louis. He knew he would be able to take good care of him but he doesn't know how to help Louis stop missing his daddies and that hurts him.

He does his best to comfort the slightly fussy boy by rocking him gently before draping a little blanket over his body.

Louis's mind was stressed and slightly overwhelmed but he slowly let himself let go and drift to sleep as he leaned into the older man, not feeling nearly as comforted as his daddies made him feel.


"You sure this is it H? Seems a bit... I don't know, uh run down." Edward says.

They are parked outside of a small dark looking house that had trash littered around the walk way and in the bushes. The windows seemed to have cracks in them but weren't fully broken.

"According to Alex this is the address. The car in the driveway matches the suspected license plate number, so this should be it." Harry responds, checking out at the house too.

Luckily it was dark out by the time they made it to London, so they were able to just park across the street without really being seen.

"I just can't imagine this being Louis's childhood home. I mean it practically looks abandon." Edward says, getting slight chills down his back.

"Me neither but I'm pretty sure this is it. You have the gun?" Harry questions.

Now the twins weren't killers that was for sure. But they are prepared for whatever happens, and if the situation takes them there than so be it.

"Yup, let's go." Edward says opening up the glove compartment before grabbing the hand gun and getting out of the car.

The men were livid, even if their seemingly calm states didn't exactly show it. Harry had explained the entire situation to his brother during the ride to Louis's fathers place and to say he was ready to do this was an understatement.

They had gone over their plan a few times on the way over so they were prepared to execute well. Harry would distract the man at the front door while Edward would break in through the back and strike from behind.

They nod to eachother confirming the plan mentally before Edward runs around the side of the house and to the back door, out of Harry's sight.

Harry steps up the few concrete steps before taking shallow breath and knocking on the door harshly.

He waits, not very patently for about thirty seconds before footsteps are heard and the door is open from the other side.

A man stood lowly in front of Harry on the other side of the door. He wasn't big, at least not in the height department. He was wearing sweatpants and a white tank top that was covered in stained. The man had such little hair he could practically be considered bald. Yet there was still a gross unkept beard left on his face. The man looked nothing like Louis and Harry wouldn't have believed that he was Louis's father if it weren't for his blue eyes that were nearly identical to Louis's but his were not soft and beautiful like his son's, his were harsher and cold.

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