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Narrator's POV:

"And home sweet home."

The three boys spent nearly five hours in the hospital before Dr. Smith finally got Louis's temperature up and cleared the twins to take him home.

The drive home was calm and filled with Louis pointing at all the different objects out the window as the car passed by.

And now, they are finally just getting back home, their home.

Night has fallen, and the brothers know it's been a very very long day for Louis and should probably get him relaxed and ready for bed soon.

"My home?" Louis asks, looking around the house curiously.

"Yes baby, this is all of our's home," Harry says, bouncing Louis on his hip lightly.

"Oh," Louis says, his voice somehow amazed and confused at the same time.

He looks around the home, still taking it all in even though he has already been there before. It would take weeks for anyone to fully be able to take in the beauty of the home.

The men chuckle at the young boy's response before walking further into the house.

"Hey boys, want me to warm up a bottle for the little one?" Maverick's voice echoes, catching Louis off guard causing him to jump a bit.

Harry turns around and smiles at the man in the kitchen.

"That would be great Mav, we are just going to give this love a bath, and then it should be the perfect time for a bottle," Harry says.

Louis has his head burrowed in Harry's neck.

"You remember Maverick don't you sweetheart? He made you those yummy cookies earlier, hm?" Edward says, coming up behind them before beginning to pet Louis's head gently.

Lou nods into Harry before giving Maverick the shyest of waves.

"Well Hello to you darling." Maverick smiles, beaming at the boy's adorableness.

"Hi, Mavie." Louis pecks out, his words very quiet.

"How are you bug? I heard you had quite the big adventure today didn't you?" Maverick says, his voice teasing.

Louis's eyes suddenly wash with sadness and his smile fades.

"I not mean to," Louis says worriedly and Maverick instantly feels bad.

He didn't mean to upset the boy, that's the last thing he wanted to do. He has heard so much about Louis and already adores the boy and he knows that he's shy but he was hoping to help make him feel comfortable at his new home.

"No baby, he didn't mean it like that. You have been so perfect for us, our good little boy." Edward says, stepping into the boy so he can give him a soft hug.

"Good boy?" Louis questions, confirming Edward's words.

"Yes, sweetheart you are a very good boy." Harry smiles.

Louis's concern seems to fade with the twin's reassuring words and he snuggles his head back into Harry's shoulder before letting out a little kitten like yawn.

Harry looks over to Edward before they both nod, agreeing that it's time to get Lou ready for bed.

Harry begins to walk out of the kitchen before heading over to the stairs and Edward prepares to follow soon after him.

"I'm sorry Ed, I didn't mean to upset him," Maverick says once Louis is out of ear shot.

"No don't worry about it. I think he may  just be a little shaken from today plus he is just starting to adjust to his headspace so he just feels a little overwhelmed. It's not your fault Mav, I promise." Edward tells him, his voice understanding.

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