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Edward's POV:

After a few minutes of Harry and I gently soothing Lou, his tears begin to dry up and his small sobs turn to hiccups.

I hate seeing him this upset but I have to admit, he does look utterly adorable right now. And I can't even comprehend that Harry and I are getting to hold him and protect him right now.

We have been dreaming of this for years, like actually years and when Linda told me Louis slipped into his little space, it was like my entire world started again.

"He's asleep Ed." Harry whispers, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I step behind Harry and admire Louis who is now fast asleep with his head pressed against Harry's shoulder. With dried streams of tears on his cheeks and his hair feathery from us playing with it.

"I can't believe it Harry." I say, still completely astonished.

"Neither can I, he's a little babe. He's actually a little." He says, tearing up a bit.

He leans in and quickly pecks my lips lovingly before slowly sitting on the ground, Louis still cuddled in his lap. I move down next to them, wrapping one of my arms around Louis again.

My brother and I have been together since we were young and always knew that we wanted a little together. It's quite common for siblings to be in relationships and have littles together nowadays so all of our friends and family have always been supportive of us finding a little.

"I want him, Harry, we have to have him." I say, my voice still quiet because I don't want to wake up my Lou.

"I know, trust me I want him too but we are going to have to be patient. I mean, lord, he himself doesn't even know he's a little yet." Harry says.

"I wonder how his parents are going to react," I say, thinking out loud after a few seconds of silence.

I know that if we are going to be Louis's carers, that we are going to have to first get permission from his parents before then legally making him ours. Hopefully, his parents accept us, we just need to show them that we know how to keep him safe and make him feel loved.

"I haven't even thought about that, I'm sure it will be a shock to them too," Harry responds, most of his attention on Louis.

"What are we going to do when he wakes up?" I ask.

We both are already fairly sure that he will be out of his headspace when wakes up, so I'm sure he will be confused and scared.

"I guess we will just have to try and explain everything to him but I don't know babe, this is going to be so hard for him." He responds in a sigh.

He's right, his entire life has been flipped upside down in the span of thirty minutes. Of course, Harry and I are thinking of this as one of the greatest things that has ever happened to us but Louis may not necessarily be as excited.

Louis's POV:

I whine softly as I feel myself being pulled out of my peaceful sleep and back into life. I ball my fist up and begin to rub my eyes slowly, trying to wake myself up.

When did I even fall asleep? The last thing I really remember is Mrs.Clark greeting me when I came into her class and then me sitting down at my desk. Why was I asleep and why don't I remember anything?

I open up my eyes slowly, squinting at the bright light. Where even am I?

My face furrows in confusion when I see that I'm still sat in a classroom but this isn't Mrs. Clark's room. I bolt up, immediately freaked out by not knowing where I am but I don't move, my body is restricted by something or someone.

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