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Narrator's POV:

"Edward it's been nearly an hour, it shouldn't take that long. I'm going to find him." Harry says, pacing back and forth with his hand running through his long hair.

"H, Im sure everything is fine. They probably are just having a hard time getting through his shyness. We can't go find him, it would just end poorly." Edward says, putting his hand on his brothers shoulder to stop his pacing.

Truthfully being away from Louis is killing Edward just as much as it is Harry but he knows that he has to just stay calm and rational about it, he doesn't want to mess anything up.

Harry on the other hand can't control not showing the sheer amount of rage he is getting from this. Why should they have to have Louis alone? It makes no sense.

"I can't do this Ed, what if he needs us? I don't like being away from him. Especially not for this long." Harry says, now standing still in the middle of the room.

"I know babe, I get it trust me but he's okay I promise." Edward says, embracing his brother.

The men were upset and in the other room so was Louis.

Louis was slowly being pulled out of his headspace as this unfamiliar man from the agency coldly asked him questions that his little self couldn't even fully respond to, he is stressed beyond compare.

He's having trouble talking to this random man who was asking him endless overly personal questions.

To every question he couldn't answer his anxiety skyrocketed. He doesn't know these people and if they will hurt him or not.

He's trying but is afraid that if he messes up they may punish him like his father used to, which was in hyenas inhumane ways.

"Come on kid, stop being so tedious. We just need to get through this list and then you can go home. It's really not that difficult just use your brain and tell us the truth." The rude man from the agency says harshly to Louis as he taps his clip board.

"I um I don't understand, I'm s-sorry." Louis says practically fully forced out of his headspace from all the stress.

Officer Allison and Jackson were asked to leave the room before the inspection even started so it's just been Louis alone with this random asshole of a man who clearly has never dealt with a little before for the past hour in the cold depressing room.

Littles being forced out of headspace from stress or anxiety can be extremely detrimental to their minds especially for littles who are early into the process of adjusting to their headspace, such as Louis.

"All I asked was why you were living alone? It's not that hard you fucking retard." The man nearly yells, causing Louis to flinch.

He already has a pounding headache from being thrown out of headspace so unnaturally and abruptly. He is scared and so confused.

"I just h-had to." He tries to respond.

He feels sick.

"You know what, good enough. We're done here, that's for being so fucking helpful." The man says sarcastically, before pushing his chair back before leaving the room.

He slams the metal door harshly, causing Louis to jump up again.

Louis just sits in his chair completely frozen, he doesn't know what he is supposed to be doing right now. He only understands bits and pieces of what is going on.

He pulls his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around them before placing his head on top gently, trying to reorient himself a bit.

He feels incredibly dizzy and sick, he tries to take some deep breaths but for some reason his entire mind and body is just tired and overwhelmed.

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