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Narrator's POV:

Louis jolts awake about 45 minutes later when a loud crack of thunder rings through his ears.

Harry and Edward immediately are awake, being able to sense their munchkin in destress, even when they are asleep.

Edward had come into the bed shortly after the two fallen asleep earlier.

"What's wrong bubba?" Edward asks, seeing the boy in a panic.

Louis had always always always hated storms. They terrified him since he was just a little kid. But they became all the more scary to him when his father as punishment once locked him outside of the house in the middle of a terrible storm and then forgot about him and fell asleep.

The twins sit up in the bed and Edward pulls the small boy into his lap.

He was so scared, he was shaking violently in Edward's arms. The men don't even know what happened.

"Shh, it's okay little one. Daddies are here." Harry whispers to the boy as he helps his brother rock him gently.

"Can you tell your daddies what happened? Hm? Can you do that for us?" Edward continues, leaning closer to the bub as he speaks.

"I scared." Louis whimpers, words muffled as he burrows his head in Ed's chest.

The twins furrow their eyebrows and look towards each other. Extremely curious as to what happened.

"Don't be scared sweetheart. Nothing to be scared of because we would never ever let anything happen to you, you know that right?" Harry says.

Louis nods, confirming.

Another loud clap of thunder rumbles, causing Louis to jump frightened. He holds onto Edward like his life depends on it.

The twins immediately understand.

"Oh darling, shhh. Is it the storm? The storm what's making our little prince so scared?" Edward says, his voice riddled with sympathy.

"Yes daddy." Louis sniffles.

It was around 5 in the evening, so the twins figured they probably should just get him up instead of trying to get him back to sleep, he needs his bottle anyways.

"Aw okay munchkin, well your daddy and I just happen to know that there is a baba down stairs waiting for you." Harry says, hoping that is distracts the boy a bit.

"Baba?" Louis asks, his voice so so small.

"Mhm, you bet sweetheart. All warm and yummy, we just have to go get it, from downstairs." Edward says lovingly.

"N-no leave." Louis whimpers shyly.

The men soften more, if thats even possible.

"Of course bub, we aren't leaving you. We will go together don't worry. We would never leave you," Edward tells him seriously.

Louis is still shaking in Edward's arms. The storm hasn't let up much but just being in the twins presence helps a great deal.

"You are safe, the storm can't hurt you and we will never let anything hurt you, again." Edward says, the last word nearly inaudible.

"I'm s-sorry daddy." Louis begins to cry.

"No love, no apologies. You're okay, just relax little one. You are so so safe with your daddies." Harry says, moving behind Edward to help rock Louis.

Louis listens to their deep voices and allows it to soothe him slightly.

"Let's go downstairs, hm? Get you a nice warm baba from Mavie." Edward suggest.

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