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Narrator's POV:

"Please, he's been forced out of his headspace and is in pain. I don't know what to do please help him." Edward pleads to whatever doctor in the area was listening.

Harry just rocks the whimpering boy, hoping the he can maybe soothe him a little bit as they wait for the doctors to do their job.

Edward's worrying words immediately catches the attention of multiple doctors around the emergency room, one of the doctors recognizing the men.

About three doctors rush over to the twins and their baby but one of them with more haste then the rest.

Dr. Smith, the doctor that tended to Louis just days ago when the twins brought them in after they found him freezing cold in his apartment. He looks down at Louis, immediately worried about the boy who he has worked on before.

"Boys? What happened to Louis?"  Dr. Smith asks, remembering the boy's  name.

"He was forced out of headspace?" Another older doctor question looking down at the pained boy.

All the doctors know that this is a serious situation, If not treated immediately and properly, the little's headspace could be permanently altered.

"Yes during an interview from someone who worked at the little agency he was harassed and forced out of his headspace. He hasn't been like this for long, maybe fifteen minutes but he's in a lot pain." Harry says, trying to not fully panic to Dr. Smith.

The twins don't miss the flash of fear that appears in the doctor's eyes.

"Okay, I'm glad you two brought him in, I knew that you were the right carers. I will check him over and figure out what is going on with this little boy." Dr. Smith says as he places the back of his hand on the boys forehead, just checking for any immediate warning signs of a fever.

He feels that Louis is a bit warm before Louis fusses and leans away from the mans touch, not remembering or trusting this man in the slightest.

"Sorry bud, I know you are hurting." The doctor says, feeling poorly for the boy who he has always found adorable and now is incredibly worried about.

"Let's get him back to one of our rooms, we should get him checked as soon as possible." Dr. Smith says to the men.

He turns in his tracks and walks out of the waiting room, pushing through the door that disconnects the medical rooms from the waiting area. The twins are hot on his tail, wanting to rid Louis of his pain as fast as humanly possible.

"Louis open those eyes back up for us lovie." Edward says when he sees Louis half asleep in Harry's hold.

Louis struggles to pull his eyelids open but he gets it done, not wanting to disappoint Harry and Edward.

"There's our boy." Harry smiles, trying to keep Louis content even though he is in pain.

Louis just keeps his head laid on Harry's chest, the sound of the mans heart beat calming him more than expected as the chaotic events unfold around him.

"This should do." Dr. Smith says to himself as he turns into the first available room.

The men walk into the bleach white room full of medical equipment, it is identical to the one they were in not long ago.

"Lay him down on the table if you don't mind." Dr. Smith instructs as he prepares his equipment.

Harry sets the small boy on the table covered in the crinkly white paper. Louis is immediately crying harder at the loss of touch.

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