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Ashton Irwin found dead. And Blah blah blah. It read on the newspaper after the day of Ashton's accident. I couldn't stop reading it. Everyone tells me to get over it and there's nothing I could do but I can't help it. Nothing has been the same since his accident. Its like the band is falling apart. It's been almost a month since his accident and I feel like it's all my fault. Ashton's not even dead!! He's just in a coma. Critical condition but not dead!

I threw the newspaper across the room not wanting to read it anymore. Ash will wake up any day now I know it. I let my mind wonder to the night of the accident


"It's cold out here Huh?" I told Michael shivering as we walked along the streets of New York.

"Yeah. Oh you want my jacket dude?" Michael asked already with his jacket half off.
"Oh no. I'm fine." My breath showing white puff cloud infront of me and drifting away. I was already wearing a longseleve and a grey sweater over and a pair of black sweats.


"Who is it?" Michael asked. I starred at the unknown number on my phone screen but I decided to pick it up.


"Hello is this Luke, Michael or Calum?" A lady on the other side asked.

"Um yes this is Luke."

"Um okay well Ashton Irwin as been in a terrible acciden-" the lady said all damn calm.
"Is he okay!" I yelled cutting her off.
"I can't really tell you until you come in person but if you want to see him he'll be at NorthWest hospital. You better hurry." The lady said kind of nervously. I felt my fingers go numb and my legs feel like jelly. My phone slipped through my hand and crashed to the floor and Michael rushed to my side to help me stay up by holding me by my shoulders as I was about to fall as well.

"Ash-Ashton's been in an accident." I said in barley a whisper.
About an hour later Michael, Calum and I were at the hostipal waiting for them to tell us how Ashton was doing. They've given us no information and we've been here since 10pm and it's now 2am. I was pasting back and forth complaining more to myself than Michael and Calum but they kept telling me things like "it's going to be alright." "He's going to be okay." And so on and so on.
"Okay Luke, Michael, and Calum would you like to know how Ashton is doing?" The lady said to us in a calm voice. It's now almost 3 am and they finally come and tell us something about Ashton.

"No shit.." I mumbled.

"Of course." Calum said trying to give her a smile but I could see in his eyes he was broken and tired.

"Ok well when we got a call from a man saying there's been a really bad accident. After we told him that an ambulance was on the way we asked him to tell us what happened and he said that Ashton's car was making a turn and another car slammed right into Ashton's. Causing his car to flip over and the other person drove off. The male that called said he ran to Ashton's car to see if he was okay but when he didn't respond he called the ambulance." The lady explained to us.

I could feel the tears building up in my eyes blurring my vision.

"It's okay Luke." Calum said hugging me.

"So is Ashton okay?" Michael asked.

"Well when the ambulance got there Ashton wasn't breathing normally and he lost so much blood but he's lucky he got here in time to save him. He could of been dead. S-"

"So he's not dead! He's okay!?" I said happily interrupting her.

"Welllllll he's in coma and also I was going to say he can't breathe on his own he has to be hooked up to a machine that's helping him breathe. You guys can see him now though." She said giving us a sympathetic smile.

Saving Ashton // lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now