Saving ashton •3•

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After we had a fun night at the boardwalk we went home and watched a movie together then around 1am we both went to sleep in our own bedrooms.

Now it's about 3am and Ive been on Twitter talking with fans. Mainly about them shipping us together. I don't get why they want to ship us together, but many people do and they said it'll make us more famous. So I think I need to have a little talk with Rick.


|| morning ||

My eyes opened from the swallowing darkness it's been in for the past few hours to the blinding brightness coming from in my opened window shades. I yawned stretching my body out I rolled out of bed, grabbed my phone and dialed a very special persons phone number. It rang a couple times and then the familiar hello was spoken through.

"Hey Rick I was wondering if we could have a meeting later today? When ever you're available will be fine." I smiled already knowing what I was going to talk about during our meeting.

"Okay sure Luke I can just about squeeze you in at 4:30." He said acting like he was actually busy. Trust me all he does is sit in that desk and watch the money we make roll in.

"Okay well I wouldn't put me before an important meeting because thissss might take a while."

"Uh okay Luke. I'll see you at 4:30." He said in his stupid confused voice and then the tone rang in my ear telling me that he has hungen up.


"Hello Luke what did you need to speak about with me?" Rick asked as I entered his office and sat in front of him. I took a deep breath.

"Look." I stated as I shoved my phone in his face showing him just a few bits of conversations I had with our fans and what they said about their ships with us guys.

"What about this?" He asked tossing my phone down on his desk.

"You said having a couple in the band is going to make profits go down. Less people will like us, less people will buy stuff and so on but look at this it proves our fans will still care and like us even more. I'm not gay but I think is so wrong that everyone in this business is so against gays! People think that me being still upset about Ashton is great they think it shows just how much I care and they love that." I said as I got angrier because I knew Rick was either going to tell me off or Kick me out for standing up to him but I don't care.


"Michael! Calum!!" I yelled as I entered our house and closing the door behind me.

"What is it?" Michael asked as they both met up with me by the front door.

I told them about what I talked about with Rick.

"He he kicked me out of the band guys!" I cried as I hugged Calum and .. Pretended .. To cry into his shoulder.

"Luke!! He kicked you out!!!" Michael yelled as Calum yelled something else.

I started laughing because I couldn't pretended no more "haha just kidding guys!! April fools!!" I laughed harder as they both hit me.

"Oh my gosh you scared the crap out of me you fu•cking bitch!!!" Calum yelled as he grabbed a pillow and hit me some more.

"So you didn't talk to Rick?" Michael asked.

"No I did. guess what!" I said.

They gave me a what face and I said "Rick agreed that we can date who ever we want! Like I'm not gay but I'm for gay rights and he said it's okay if we date guys, girls or people from the band! Isn't that so amazing dude!"

"Yeah I guess." Calum said.

"Come on don't be a bummer." I smiled as I punched his shoulder playfully.

"Well I don't like guys so it didn't really matter." He said.

"Neither do I but gays need to be treated equally as straight so I'm so happy." I said.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Michael asked out of random. We agreed and picked a movie.


|| 2am ||

I yawned. I looked at the other guys and they were sound asleep so I grabbed the remote and turned off the unfinished movie and cuddle up next to Michael and feel into a deep dark sleep.

|| morning ||

"Luke!? Michael!? Calum!?"

I yawned and rubbed my crusty eyes. I looked at my surroundings. The two guys were still on the couch sound asleep. I got up trying to carefully not wake them up.

I went to the front door and looked threw the peep hole.

"I see you Luke. Open up!" A brunette girls yelled. I couldn't really make out who she is but she seems familiar. I decided to open it.

"Lucy!!" I yelled excited hugging her. She was like Ashton's best friend. They always hung out. She was like part of our family but I haven't seen her since like a week before his accident. "What are you doing here?!" I smiled.

"I just wanted to talk to you. I miss you. Sorry for not coming around I've just been kind of sad about you know.. Ashton and things." Lucy said.

"Yeah I understand. Same here I've been really sad about him too." I sympathetically said. I let her in and we sat on the dinning room table.

"So I just wanted to ask you something and it's about Ashton." She said shyly. Lucy isn't famous she's just a friend we met here when we moved. This is the first time I've really examined her face. She had a small cute nose and freckles across her cheek and pink plump lips. Her eyes are a shiny blue behind her nerdy glasses. Her brunette natural curly hair tucked behind her ear and every time she talked to me she never looks me in the eyes.

I snapped out of looking at her because I realized she said something. "Um what?" I said confused feeling stupid.

"I need to ask you something and it's about Ashton." She repeated herself.

"Oh sure what is it?"

"Ummm," she said nervously as her pale skin turned a blushing red. "Did you talk to Ashton the day of his accident?"

"Y-yes. He called me to meet him at a cafe down the street from where he use to live. When I got there he told me he needed to tell me something but I was such in a rush to go on a stupid date with a girl named Taylor that I was such a dick to him. He never got to tell me what he wanted to. I wish I knew what it was, and I wish I hadn't been such a duch bag to him that day." I said with the crack in my voice trying to hold back the tears in my eyes. From remembering that day.

"Oh so he didn't tell you?" She asked.

"Why? Do you know what he was going to say?!" I said happily. Maybe I'll finally be able to get to find out what it was.

"Umm.. Well.. I do but I don't know if Ashton would want me to tell you so in not saying anything."

"Come on Lucy please tell me!!!!" I whined tugging on Lucy's sleeve like a 3 year old.

"I-I can't. I promised him I wouldn't. I dared him to tell you that day but he promised me to not say a word to you about it before he got to." Lucy said.

"Please! I reallllly want to know!" I whined. She did a big sigh and I could tell she was really thinking.

"Fine." She sighed. "Ashton. Ashton. He really. Well it's just he real-


|| authors note ||

Haha cliff hanger!!! Is she going to say it?!?!! Haha please comment and sorry I didn't update sooner! I'm sorry I'll try to update soon.

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