Saving ashton •4•

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"Fine." She sighed. "Ashton. Ashton. He really. Well it's just he really kind of - it's like." Lucy stumbled just like Ashton.

"Come on just say it! You sound like Ashton. What's the thing he wanted to tell me? It's got to be bad since you guys are having so much trouble telling me. Does anyone else know besides me?!" I said frustrated. Just freaking tell me already!

"Well it depends how you take it really and no no one else knows besides me and Ashton." Lucy said.

"Well are you going to tell me?!"

"I-I I can't." She said as she quickly grabbed her bag and ran out the front door. Why didn't anyone want to tell me?! It's got to be really bad doesn't it?

I looked back into the room where the guys fell asleep. They were still sound asleep well there is nothing to do here so I guess I'll go visit Ashton.

I went to my room and grabbed clothes to wear. I washed up and changed grabbing my car keys and starting to drive to the hospital.


I was pasting back and forth in the room were Ashton lied as I ranted on and on.

"So what's the big ass secret?! I want to know like damn how bad is it if Lucy can't even tell me?" I yelled. I took a deep breath and it was quiet except for the random conversations in the hallway that I couldn't make out and the heart beat coming from his machine telling us all he's still alive. I knelt down next to his bed.

"They told me you're getting better Ashton." A tear rolled down my face as I smiled "you're perfectly healthy. Just p-please wake u-up." I sobbed as I held his hand. I wiped away some tears and then I looked back at his face. I ran my hand through his curly hair that was held back by a blue bandana he was wearing the same day of the accident. Of course they washed it because it was covered in blood. I brushed my finger over his soft light pink lips.

"I-I'm so sorry Ashton. I just want you here. Alive. In my arms. Awake." I closed my eyes and a tear dropped from the edge of my eyelash to his cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb.

A small moan left his lips. Did he normally do this?! Or is this him trying to talk?!

"Ashton?! Ashton can you hear me?!" I said excitedly. His head turned slightly and another moan escapes his lips. It sounds like he's was In pain. I frantically grabbed the red Botton that when you press it it called the nurse. I pressed it several times and a doctor came running into the room.

"What's wrong with the patent?!" She yelled.

"Umm nothing I'm sorry but something did happen. I'm not sure if he always does it but yeahhh.." I said awkwardly.

"Well what happened?!"

"He moved his head and made some like noises." I said as I imitated his moans. (Lol)

"Okay we need you to leave Luke because we need to run some test on him." She said pushing me out of the room and closing the door in my face.


|| Ashton's POV ||

After I found myself in the car crash an ambulance came and took 'me' to an hospital now instead of wondering the streets I'm in a creepy looking hospital hallway walking and walking. I still here those voices and the only time I was able to make one out was that day. Saying something like I miss you Ashton or something like that. I shrugged and continued walking. The mumbles went on and on getting louder as I walked more and more.
"I-I'm so sorry Ashton. I just want you here. Alive. In my arms. Awake." The voice said.

Saving Ashton // lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now