Saving ashton •2•

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I woke up in the arms of Michael. I yawned stretching my body out.
"Stop-stop moving." He mumbled. I picked up my phone and the brightness practically blinded me. I winced making out the time to be almost 1 pm. I guess I better start getting ready to go visit Ashton. I slowly got out of Michaels hold. I went to my dresser and grabbed a white muscle shirt, black skinny jeans, black toms, a pair of boxers, and a towel.

I went into the restroom and turned on the shower making it the right temperature for me. I stripped from my old clothes to my boxers when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I walked up to it scanning my body. Rick was right. I have lost weight. About 17 pounds to be exact. I probably weigh as much as a 15 year old girl. My pelvis were showing my stomach that sinking in a bit. The back of my legs where not fat as they were originally they looked more like bones but not to skinny looking just fine but just not as fat as I use to be. I looked at my face and I had bags under my eyes from all the nights I've stayed up and cried for Ashton. My arms looked frail like they can be snapped like a twig.

I shook my head looking away from the mirror and took my boxers off hopping in the shower.


I'm on my way to see Ashton at the hospital. I ran my fingers though my silky dirty blondish hair. The light turned green and I checked my surrounding also double checking. After his accident it took me over a week to drive myself again and even now I'm very scared.
I got to the hospital and said hello to the receptionist Margie.
"Hello Luke." She smiled. "Here to see Ashton?"
"Yes please."
"Okay well that's great butttt they're doing some things on him first. If you would like to wai-."

"What kind of things?" I asked. I didn't hear me give anyone approval to touch my Ash bitches.

"I'm not quiet sure and also I can't tell you the doctor has to but I know it'll be quick if you want to wait." Margie said.

I sighed and said okay sitting down on a small arm chair.
After about 30 minutes or so Ashton's doctor came out told me"Oh hello Luke. Here to see Ashton?". I got up from the chair "Yes ma'am." I smiled. "Um what did you all do to him?"

"Oh we took out the tubes from his arms, removed the cast on his leg, and the machine that helps him breath-"

"You cut him off!!!" I yelled pulling my hair feeling so light headed and panicky.

"No! No Luke. Ashton has gotten better he doesn't need those machines anymore. He can breathe on his own now." She explained.
"Is he awake?" I asked. Please say yes. Plllleaaasee say yes!
"No. He's not awake but he is getting better Luke, but that really doesn't matter cause it doesn't change when Ashton will wake up it can be in hours or years.. Or.. Never like I said." We said our goodbyes and I slowly opened the door to Ashton's room.


It's been hours and I've rambled on and on I even told him that I thought Michael was cute last night. Of course he wouldn't remember any of this when he wakes up.. Well I hope not. I just finished talking and I starred at Ashton's lifeless looking body and I knelt next to him.
"Ashton I miss you so so much please wake up!" I cried. I need a hug. I crawled into the bed with Ashton, being carful with his stitches and leg. I put my arm around him and his head laid into my chest. I could hear his soft little Breaths that made me have hope and feel oh so comfortable and I dozed off to sleep.


"-but they look so cute. You know Luke is a great boyfriend to Ashton. He's a lucky one." A lady said.

"Oh shhh shh I think he's waking up!" Another lady said.

My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I saw was Ashton's angel like face. I turned around to see two lady's starring at us. The receptionist Margie and Ash's doctor.
"Um im sorry I'll get going." I said getting untangled from Ash then I kissed him on the forehead and said bye to the ladies as I walked out.


"Hey Luke you took a long time with Ashton." Calum said.
"Yeah i know I fell asleep and stuff." I explained well kind of.
Then Michael came out with only sweats on and his bare chest. His hair was soaked and he went into the kitchen.
When he came out he had a sandwich. In between bites he said "Luke .. I was thinking .. We could go out for a while .. To get your mind off things."

"Sure where?"

"The boardwalk by the beach. Go get ready and get your jacket it's getting cold."

"Okay mother and you too don't go all bare chested." I mocked sticking my tongue out at him. He laughed and said "shut up I know you think I look hot." Throwing a pillow at me. I fake a nervous laugh and went to my room to grab a jacket and then went back to the living room and watched tv.
After a while Michael came in the room and yelled "come on lukey pookie!!!!" We smiled and we got in his black car and we drove to the boardwalk.


"Look luke! Do you want to buy an icecream?!" Michael smile excitedly.
I laughed and said sure.

"Hello what kind would you like?" A young good looking guy said from behind the counter.


"Vanilla with gummy bears and sprinkles." I said like as if I was a child and Michael was my dad. Michael bought what I said and a strawberry one with sprinkles for him self. When the young guy gave us our ice cream he handed him a 10 and we went walking down the peer again.

"Oh my goshh!! Michael win me that!!" I yelled like a 12 year old girl. He laughed "okay I'll try my best." He handed me his ice cream and paid to play the game.

"Come on Mikey!! Come on!!" I yelled cheering him on.

"Yayyyyy!!!!" I yelled as he won the game and picked the cute stuffed panda as his prize. In my defense it was really cute. He handed me the panda and I hugged it. He took out his phone and took a picture of the panda and I.

Michael5sos: look what I won for lukey pookie @luke5sos ;)

I smiled at the picture and within seconds his phone started blowing up with notifications. He put his phone in his pocket and then said "I'm starving you want to get something to eat?"
"Sure!" We walked down the peer some more and looked at the restraunts they had while finishing our icecream up.

"You want to go to that one?!" Michael asked pointing to a restaurant called 'steak house'. I nodded in agreement and we walked into the place.


We finished eating about an hour ago and we've been playing some games. I even won Ashton a small cute monkey, holding a heart that says I miss you

"Oh my gosh it's Muke!! Muke is on a date!!" A young blond girl yelled pointing in our direction and jumping up and down yelled. She walked up to us and hugged the shit out of me.
"Oh my gosh I love 5sos!! I love you guys. You're so cute together!!" She yelled.
"Thanks but Michael and I arnt dating and we are not on a date." I said. She let me go and said "yes you guys are! Michael posted a picture of a stuffed animal he won you and people are commenting Muke and you guys are together." She said showing us on her phone.
"What's Muke?" Michael asked.
"It's Luke and your name together. You guys haven't heard of it!! Oh my gosh! But oh! I love you guys and well you would be cute together." She said as she waved goodbye.
"Wait!" I said she turned around starring at me "so how many people ship me Michael?"
"Well really a lot like alottttt. But there is people who ship basically everyone of you guys in the band like you and Ashton, you and him, you and Calum, Michael and Ashton, Calum and ash and you know so on. So yeah I did ship you and Ashton together but you know." She said as a little tear came out of her eye.
"You still care about Ashton?" I asked.
"Of course! He's part of the band. It's like not the same anymore with out him." She said.
"Okay so wait all these people that ship. They would still listen to our music if there was a relationship in the band?" I asked.
"Of course! We would probably buy even more things and we'd love you guys even more! You'd also get a lot more publicity." Really?
"Okay well it was nice meeting you bye." I said and we both gave her a hug.

"Can you believe people ship us? That's like weird right." Michael said.
"Ha yeah.. So weird." I didn't find It weird at all...


A/n: I haven't updated in forger so you guys deserve this!!! Please comment and vote!! I'll try to update soon again.

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