Saving ashton •1•

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"Hey sleepy head finally out of bed." Michael smiled at me. It's been a while since Ashton's crash but I've kind of distance myself from the others since. They keep trying to make me feel better but it just doesn't work and I want to be alone but they are my band mates so I have to talk to them.
"I made you some pancakes." Michael smiled bringing them close to me, trying to tempt me with the smell of the deliciousness.
"No thanks Michael." I rejected them.
"Come on lukey. You've gotta eat. You've gotten skinny." Michael whined.
"I'm not hungry Michael." I protested. I've also kind of lost my appetite.
"Fine I'll leave them here in case you change your mind." He said putting the plate on the table infront of me and going upstairs to get Calum.

"Luke you're not dressed?! We have an interview in less than a hour." Calum yelled coming down the stairs buttoning up his shirt. I picked at my food playing with it.

"Why do I have to go?" I asked.

"Because you're a major part of this band." Calum said. I kinda smiled but not looking at him. Then he put his hand on my shoulder and said "I know it's been weird since Ashton died bu-"
"HE DIDNT DIE CALUM!!!" I yelled in his face shrugging off his hand and went back upstairs to my room and slammed the door shut. I decided to get dressed.

I picked out a purple asking Alexandria shirt and black skinny jeans and a pair of purple vans that matched the shirt.

I smiled looking in the mirror knowing this was Ashton's favorite clothes for me to wear. He would go on and on how handsome and adorable I looked. I would even catch him sleeping with this shirt and I would have to basically play tug a war to get it back. He would even ask to wear it when we went out sometimes. I looked back in the mirror to my face and I had the biggest grin I've had in a while but then it quickly went away because I remembered he's still in the hospital and not here with me. He will wake up any day now and shock the whole world.

Ashton isn't dead. It'll say on the newspaper the next morning, and I'll get to find out what he was going to tell me and we will go back on tour and do magazine shoots and go on interviews. It'll be like old times except better because I now I know to always cherish the time I have with him.

Wait. I just got a genius thought. I'm spending so much time thinking about Ashton and he's not here. Yes it's sad yes I miss him so much but I'm wasting the time I should be spending with Michael, Calum and our fans! I just need to remember the good things about Ash and make sure nobody forgets about him. That's perfect.

I went downstairs and the smile on my face was still there and still genuine.

"Someone's happy." Calum smiled rubbing my hair.

I just smiled back and us three got in the truck and met up at our interview with our record label/producer.


It's been a while since the interview started and also were live on TV. I have to say it's going really great. The smile has stayed on my face this whole time so far.

"So Luke you seem really happy today. You know your fans have been quiet worried because they thought you were getting kindaaa depressed since you know Ashton's death." The lady Linda asked me and that kinda got me mad but I kept my good mood.

"Yeah I wouldn't say I was getting depressed but I just miss Ashton. Even though he isn't dead." I emphasized. "but earlier today I realize I wished I spent more time with ash and I realized I can't now and I've been wasting time thinking, and being sad about him that I've been wasting time that I have to hang out with Michael and Calum and our FANNNS! To not make the same mistake." I smiled and the crowd yelled agreeing with me.

"Oh that's really good Luke that you realized that because Obviously Ashton isn't ever going to come back to life so you have to move on." Linda said not even making sense.

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