Saving ashton •12•

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||Lukes pov||

We had continued playing video game but since Michael and Calum teamed up they killed us almost instantly. So Ashton and I were just sitting there watching them.

I looked at him through the corner of my eye. He was just sitting there with his hands in his lap and his eyes on the screen. I grabbed his hand and put his fingers through mine. We looked at each other and smiled then we continued to look at Calum and Michael try to kill each other. Ashton and I are not together but I want to be. I don't want to rush this though. I mean we have are whole life to be together.. As long as nothing bad happens to us again.

"Ha I killed you hood!!!" Michael yelled in Calums face, pumping his fist in the air. Then Calum smiled saying "yep you did Clifford." Then he grabbed his chin, pulling him in, kissing him. At first mike was shocked but started kissing back and then soon enough they were making out.

"Ewww get a room!" I yelled in a disgusted voice throwing a pillow at them. They continued to make out.

"Ewwwwww!" I yelled hitting Calum again and again with the pillow. They stopped sucking each other's faces for a bit for Calum could say "shut up hemmings you're gay too. Why don't you go make out with your boyfriend." Then he smiled, knowing he had got me.

"Shut up Calum!! He's not even my boyfriend!" I yelled in a shaky voice, hitting him with the pillow again.

"Fine then your soon to be boyfriend." Calum smiled.

"Oh my gosh Calum just shut up!" I whined rubbing my face with my hands and falling back on the bed. Then I saw Ashton hover over me.

"Soon to be boyfriend huh?" He smirked.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled as I grabbed a pillow and covered my face with it. He rapped his fingers around it and pushed it down for he could see my face.

"Your cute." He said. I stuck my tongue out. He gave a small laugh and leaned in and gave me a quick kiss.

"Eww get a room." Michael and Calum said in a mocking tone. I threw the pillow at them "oww." Michael said rubbing his head.

"Wait how did you know I told Ash?"

"We were watching you guys." Calum said. I gave them a disproving look. "Whhhat? I wanted to know what happens." He said defending himself.

"Whatever." I said.

There was a bit of silence but then Michael said "let's watch a movie."

We all agreed and he went downstairs to get a few movies to choose from.

Calum turned to us and gave us a weird smile.

"What do you want you weirdo?" I said with my arm around Ashton's waist.

"So who's gonna ask who out?" He asked.

"I don't know you weirdo. Focus on your own boyfriend." I said throwing another pillow at him.

"You have a lot of pillows on your bed." He chucked. I rolled my eyes smiling at him.

Michael came back and we chose a movie named I am legend.

I snuggled up against Ashton and Michael leaned up against Calum.


Half way during the movie Ashton put his head on my chest and now I can hear his soft snores as I ran my hands through his curly locks. I leaned over looking at Michael and Calum. They were snuggled against each other laying down. I'm pretty sure they're asleep so I turned down the movie a bit and held Ashton by the waist with his head buried in my neck.

||Ashton's POV||

I woke up in the arms of Luke. Luke sexy god Hemmings. These past few days have been the best. Not only because Luke realized he likes me but also because I'm awake from my coma and I don't have to walk for horrible amount of hours. I'm back in the real world and I'm so glad.

I hugged Luke tighter to me. I could feel his breaths pushing my hair. A smile planted on my face.

"Ash... Ash.. Ashton no!!" He yelled. He scared the crap out of me. At first I thought he had woken up but when I grabbed my phone from my pocket and flashed the light on him I realized he's still asleep.

"F ash! I'm serious!! Ash!!" He yelled then he started moving around.

"Ash!!!" He yelled once again before I started shaking him.

"Luke?!" I yelled.

"Luke you okay?" I yelled shaking him. His eyes fluttered open and a tear escaped from them.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Shit." He said looking around probably realizing it was just a dream. "Damn now I am." Then he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him again.

"What had happened Luke?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh uh nothing." He said.

"Are you sure? Are you okay?" I asked once again.

"Yeah yeah now I am. Well just promise me one thing." He said.

"Um sure."

"Please don't ever leave me again."

"I promise."

Then he kissed me on the check and then pulled me close to him again rapping his arms around me. God I love this so much. I need to tell Lucy. I did tell her when we got in the small fight when he said maybe but I need to keep her up to date. I heard Luke snore and soon enough I was falling asleep too.


A/N: sorry it's short but my friend was being a Bish about her hotspot

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