Saving ashton •8•

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||Calums pov||

I opened my eyes and tried to roll to the other side of the bed but I couldn't cause there was something in the bed with me. Or should I say someone? My eyes focused and there was a naked Michael laying next to me. God these past like what three days have been the best. We haven't had sex yet, which is actually good to be honest I think we are going a bit to fast but I can't help it but Its not even about the sex. I've wanted to be with him forever and now that it finally has happened. I cuddled back into his chest and drifted back into peaceful sleep.

||Luke's POV||

After I had walked the whole way home from the hospital in crutches I was fucking exughsted. Fucking Michael and Calum were to damn busy cuddling to go pick me damn up. Ugh I swear they piss me off sometimes. I started looking for the remote to change the tv and relax then I really had to go take a piss so I went to the bathroom and after I came out they went off somewhere. I had sat on the couch and started over the movie they were watching and started watching it.


It was about 10 or so and Michael was at the bottom of the stairs yelling "are you ready Calum?!" Then seconds later he came running down the stairs and said "ready".

"We'll be back later Luke." Michael said as they left and then I went back to the movie I have not yet finished.


It was about 11pm or so and there was a big knock on the door and it scared the crap out of me. They knocked again and I yelled "Hold on!!". I grabbed my crutches and went to the door and took a look through the peep hole.

"Lucy!!" I smiled as I opened the door stepping back.

"Oh my gosh Luke! Sit down. Sit down." She freaked when she looked at my crutches and cast on my leg.

"I walked the whole way home from the hospital I think I can make it to the door." I smiled rolling my eye in a kidding way. Lucy can act so protective some times which was kind of cute since she was kind of a nerd and I was like twice her size but she's like a sister to ash and I.

She helped me walk back to the couch and when we sat down she said "Michael and Calum made you walk the whole way home?! They didn't pick you up?!" She asked. I gave her a pout and shook my head.

"I'm going to have a talk with them." She said in her 'scary' voice.

"Thanks mother." I mocked. She pushed me and smiled.

"So I visited you and ash at the hospital. Im surprised they put you in the same room." She said. I shifted and said "well yeah I don't really remember much but I do remember he was the first thing that came to my mind when I woke up as I entered the hospital was ash... And yeahhhhh." God I said that so awkwardly.

"so you really care for Ashton?"

"Well yeah he's my best friend." I smiled. I wish Ashton was here right now. I would give up anything for him to be here right now in the security of my arms.

"Yeah I know but like- umm do you like really like him?" She blushed. I could tell when she's nervous. She's a really shy girl and it took her a while to be completely comfortable with us. She still really doesn't look me in the eyes but we talk like best friends and I even help her with guys she likes.

"Duh he's my best friend." I said again. Didn't she get it? He's my best friend of course I love him.

She sighed and said "I have a crush on someone."

"Really! Who is it this time?"


"Who's Justin?" I asked.

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