Chapter 28

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Jay's P.O.V.

I really did think I could make it through just one meal eating out. Sure, my head hurt, but I took painkillers before we left and figured I'd be fine.

Now my head is pounding and the harsh sunlight is bleeding through my eyelids, no matter how much I try to keep it out. I'm sitting on the ground of the parking lot, leaning against the car and breathing heavily, trying to get the pain to subdue.

Ben crouches down beside me. "Why didn't you tell me you felt this crappy? We could've gone home earlier." He says.

I shake my head, breathing starting to steady. "I thought I'd be fine. Plus you've got enough to worry about. Don't think I didn't notice how upset you were in the bathroom."

He sighs, running his hand through his hair and biting his lip. "That's not for you to be concerned about."

I look closer at him, the stressed expression, tired green eyes, and concern leaking through every pore. I reach up and catch his hand, bringing it away from his hair. My other hand automatically reaches to cup his face.

"Well, I am concerned about you," I say, searching his eyes and suddenly realizing how close we are. My breathing hitches.

"Hey guys, I scored free breadsticks from my mom!" Devon suddenly exclaims, running up to us. He stops suddenly and shifts around awkwardly upon seeing us.

Ben stands up and steps away, his face a bright red. "Uhhhhhh... cool." He says, avoiding eye contact with Devon.

Devon shoots me a questioning look and I look away, slowly standing up instead.

River walks up behind Devon and gets into the car, oblivious of our awkward tension. He starts to close the door and pauses. "You guys coming?"

I wordlessly climb into the backseat, ignoring Devon's pointed looks the entire way back.

We finally pull up to the apartment, and Devon gives up, telling us he's heading home. River yawns and decides to head out as well, leaving Ben and me at the apartment by ourselves after he grabs his stuff.

I keep the lights off in the living room and plop onto the couch in the darkness. My head is still throbbing, though the sun's now going down and I've pulled the curtains closed to block out any remaining light.

I close my eyes and rest my arm across my face, trying to relax, but for some reason, there's this nagging feeling that something's wrong.

I sit up again, though my head screams at me, and look toward the kitchen, where Ben is putting away the leftovers. He comes around the corner in a few moments, yawning and joining me on the couch.

I lean into him, closing my eyes again and pulling my legs onto the couch. It's really not that late, maybe 9 o'clock, but my body awareness is starting to slip away.

I blink lethargically when Ben nudges me, sleepily looking over at him.

"Are you ready to go to bed?" He asks, studying me. I nod and try to get up, nearly stumbling over my own feet. He catches me by the arm and helps me down the hall slowly.

We make it to his bed and I flop on top of the covers. He walks around to his side of the bed and climbs in, leaving only the glow of his laptop for light in the room.

I lay in the darkness for a good half hour while he works. My body is absolutely exhausted, but for some reason, my brain feels so on edge that I can't fall asleep.

I scoot closer to him with a little sniffle, and he turns to look at me. I quickly wipe away the tears that have fallen down my face, trying to keep him from noticing, but it's too late.

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