01: Death of the Grangers

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POV Hermione
I was sitting on a chair inside number twelve Grimmauld Place rereading Hogwarts: a history when several loud pops from downstairs signaled apparition. After carefully setting my book down I hurried to the kitchen where I met a fearful looking Mrs.Weasley.

"What's happened?" I asked in a rush.

"The death eaters are at it again dear," Mrs.Weasley said with forced calm, "Everyone's gone to sort it out. There's no need to worry." That last part seemed to be more for Mrs.Weasley's good than mine.

"Where are they?" I asked a feeling of dread settling over me.

Mrs.Weasley flinched, clearly not wanting to answer that question. "Dear-"

"Where are they?" I persisted.

"They're at your parents home bu-" Mrs. Weasley was again interrupted but this time by a crack as I apparated away.

I stood across the street looking around in confusion. There were no death eaters in sight. Instead several order members stood laughing as my mother withered in pain. I looked around in confusion before I saw Moody pointing his wand at her. I froze my mouth gaping in shock as I realized what was happening. The death eaters weren't at it again. Instead the order was laughing as they tortured my parents!

Dazedly I looked around. I took note of Tonks, Remus, Mr. Weasley, Kingsley, and several more order members. People I looked up too, people I trusted! A cry of pain released me from my spiraling thoughts. I looked up to see Moody turn the cruciatus curse from my mother to my father.

"Mum!" I called, "Dad!"

Instead of getting my parents attention Ron noticed me for the first time and cursed. "Hermione you shouldn't be here!" He exclaimed angrily running towards me. He grabbed hold of my wrists rather forcefully and apparated away. But not before I watched Kingsley fire the killing curse at my parents.

Back inside number twelve Ron pushed me roughly onto my bed as I was reduced to tears. "They were being Imperiused Hermione it had to be done." I stared at Ron in disbelief. I knew exactly what had happened I'd been there. "We had no choice Hermione it was for the greater good!"

"Get out." I told him so mad I could only say the words with deathly calm.

"Fine I need to go help everyone clean up anyway." As Ron went to leave my room he turned in the doorway. "Don't forget Hermione we're your friends."

He left before I could jinx him.

So? What do you think? And what's your Hogwarts house? I'm a Gryffindor and Slytherin.
Please comment and share if you like it!
All my love, Lucille

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