09: Ideas

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Hermione's POV

I sat on my comfy reading seat as I read the note Harry had sent me. Even before I got to the end I was furious. Harry's note shared everything Ron had told him last night, sometimes word for word. By the time I reached the end of the note my hatred for Dumbledore and the 'light'  was solidified.

Harry had asked for my opinion but I wasn't sure what to do. I decided to ask Tom, after all this did concern him as well.

I left my room, parchment in hand, to go find Tom when I walked into someone. "Watch where your going Hermione." Draco said laughingly as he helped me steady my self.

"Draco!" I exclaimed, "We really have to stop running into each other."

He laughed, "Where are you headed in such a rush?"

"I'm on my way to find Tom," I answered, "Is he in his study?"

Draco shook his head, "No he's on the patio with uncle Sev'."

"Oh, ok. Where is that?"

"I'll take you," Draco said offering me his arm.

"Thank you," I said trying desperately not to blush. Since his apology Draco had been a lot kinder towards me and I wasn't sure how to react to the change.

We walked in a comfortable silence and before long Draco opened a door for me that lead to the patio.

"Hello Hermione, Draco," Tom said nodding at the two of us from his seat at a circular outdoor table.

"Hi Tom, Professor." I responded smiling at the two men.

"Please call me Severus when we're not at school Hermione." Snape told me, again. I nodded knowing it would take me a while to make the change.

"What can we do for you?" Tom asked.
Draco gave me a little nudge, "Hermione has something to tell you."

I glared at Draco before stepping forward a bit. "Harry sent me a message and, well, I think you should read it."

Tom took the parchment from me and read it.
"So..." Tom said when he'd finished reading. "The muggles Dumbledore had killed weren't really your parents?"

"Apparently," I said my voice shaking, I hadn't really thought about it. "Dose it matter though?" I asked, "They raised me and now there gone..." my voice trailed of and Tom nodded.

"Potter is a legal adult, but Dumbledore doesn't want him to know that. And he's been paying Mrs. Weasley and some of her children to be nice to you and Potter."

"That's what it says." I told Tom with a small smile.

"And Potter figured this all out because he used veritaserum on Ronald Weasley?" Tom asked incredulously.

"That's right." I said smirking internally at the surprised looks on Tom and Severus' faces.

"Why would he do that?" Severus asked. "He and Mr. Weasley are best friends."

"Harry did it because he wanted to. From what he's told me I know he hasn't trusted Dumb-as-a-door in a while. The death of my paren- of the Grangers was the last straw, for both of us."  I explained enjoying the surprise that adorned the men's faces.

"Then why didn't Harry come with you?" Draco asked.

"Because he wanted to stay behind and find out what's been going on." I responded, "I didn't want him to stay behind but I'm glad he did." I said taking the parchment back from Tom.

"As am I." Tom told me as he handed it back. "I had my doubts about the prophecy but now that I know it's fake... I can come up with an excellent plan."

I smiled, "Good to know. But in the meantime what are we going do about Harry?"

"What do you mean?" Tom asked.

"He may have wanted to stay behind before but now... I bet before dinner he'll be fed up with the traitors." Tom chuckled.

"Well then here's what I'm thinking..."

Hello again! Two in One day I'm super proud of myself! Hopefully I'll be able to get another chapter up soon so until then...
All my love, Lucille

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