05: A House Elf and a Malfoy

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Hermiones pov

The moment I closed my eyes I was asleep. I felt so warm and comfortable nothing could have woken me. Nothing but a small finger poking me in my side. My eyes flew open and I looked wildly around.

"I'm so sorry miss." a kind high pitched voice said from my right. I looked over to see a house elf standing with her head bowed and hands clasped in front of her.

"It's all right," I said quickly with a smile, "In fact thank you for waking me. I would have missed dinner otherwise." The elf looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you for understanding miss." The elf said.

"Of course," I began, "I'm sorry I don't know your name."

The elf's smile grew, "My name is Nadia miss."

"It's nice to meet you Nadia." I told the elf noticing for the first time what she was wearing. Instead of the old pillow case I was used to seeing house elves wearing Nadia was wearing a simple shirt with the Malfoy family crest and a matching skirt. Filing the information away for later I listened as Nadia spoke.

"It's nice to meet you as well miss! Would you like my help getting ready for dinner?"

"Oh yes please," I said standing.

Nadia nodded, "Do you know what you would like to wear miss?" She asked politly.

"I have no idea," I responded, "Perhaps you would like to pick something out for me? I'm no good at clothes and stuff." Nadia nodded, suddenly quite seriously. I hoped I hadn't offended her. Suddenly I realized what I had asked. When Nadia came back I immediately launched into an apology. "Nadia I am so sorry, I didn't realize."

"What are you talking about miss?" She asked rather confused by my sudden babbling.

"I asked you to get me clothes and house elves are only freed when given clothes." I explained.

Nadia simply smiled, "There's nothing to worry about miss. You haven't accidentally freed me and I am not offended. In fact house elves can't be freed simply by being given clothes."

"Really?" I asked intrigued, "Tell me more."

"House elves are viewed as slaves, doing what ever asked with nothing in return." Nadia began, "But this isn't true miss. It's actually a mutually beneficial relationship. We house elves help the wizards with house work and other task and in exchange we get protection, housing, food, clothes, anything we might need. That's why only really old families have house elves, because only they have the wealth to take care of lots of us. We don't earn wages because we are given all we need. We can't be freed because it's a choice. If at any point a house elf wishes to leave the house they simply need to talk to the lord of the house hold."

I wanted to know more. Why did so many people see house elves as slaves? Did they simply not know about the arrangement? And if so why not? In stead of asking these questions I simply smiled, "Thank you for telling me Nadia. I may have more questions later but for now I think I should prepare for dinner. What have you brought me to wear?"

With a smile Nadia held up a beautiful dress. It was a black cocktail dress with an illusion lace neckline. The lace covered the rest of the bodice and skirt.

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