10: Up To No Good

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Harry POV

By lunch time I was ready to leave. I couldn't stand how Ron glued himself to my side or Mrs. Weasleys constant badgering.

My only reprieve was Dumbledore walking in and immediately sending me upstairs. I pulled out the extendable ear and listened for a bit. But I was bored when it became clear they weren't talking about anything important. Instead I walked over to Hades.

As he laid curled up on a magically heated pillow I stroked his scales. They weren't at all slimy. Instead they were soft and warm and I found great comfort in touching him.

"Is something wrong Harry?" Hades hissed.

"I'm just bored." Hades nodded his head in understanding. "We're leaving tonight, once everyone is asleep." I said suddenly.

"Is that why you sent Hedwig away?" I nodded. Hermione had sent a note with a well thought out plan that I had easily agreed to. I had quickly prepared. Everything important to me had been packed away. This included, my invisibility cloak, my photo album, the marauders map, some clothes, stuff for my familiars, and some other miscellaneous items. I had also sent Hedwig off to hunt telling her to take her time and to find Hermione when she was done.

Hades and I sat for a moment talking. Suddenly my door burst open. Quickly I cast a disillusion charm on Hades before turning to face my unwanted guest. My frown immediately morphed into a huge smile upon seeing Fred and George.

"Hey guys!" I said enthusiastically.

"Hi Harry," they said in unison, their normal smiles missing.

"What's wrong?" I asked my smile dropping in worry.

"We know your up to something Harry." Fred said.
"And we want to know what." George added.
"We're worried about you." They said together.

I sighed. I had planned on telling them... eventually. I knew I could trust the twins but I was worried about how they'd react.

"Tell them Harry. Everything will be fine," Hades hissed, "you'll see."

Biting my lip in worry I warded the room before telling them everything.

As I finished I could tell both the twins were really mad. Probably furious. After a moment Fred looked at George who nodded.

They leaned forward simultaneously and gave me a very nice hug.

"We're so sorry Harry." George said and Fred nodded.

"We won't ever let them hurt you again," Fred promised and I couldn't stop the tears that formed in my eyes.

"Thanks guys you have no idea what that means to me." I said wrapped in the two red heads arms.

I could here their smiles as they said, "No problem beautiful." I blushed and pulled out of the hug laughing.

"So what do we do now?" George asked.

"We?!" I squeaked in surprise.

"Of course." Fred began.
"There's no way-"
"You are-"
"Getting rid-"
"Of us," Fred finished.

I laughed. They always knew how to make me happy. "Hermione thinks we should go to Gringotts. Mrs. Malfoy has agreed to take us tomorrow afternoon. So tonight I'm going to sneak out to Malfoy Manor."

"A good-"
"Idea." George concluded. "And then-"
"You can-"
"Talk to-"
"Voldemort." Fred finished.

I nodded, "Yep," I said, "From what Hermione's told me he seems like a decent guy."

The twins nodded. "But how are you getting to Malfoy Manor?" Fred asked suddenly.

"I'm going to apparate to a shop to meet Mr. Malfoy who will take me there." I explained.

George frowned, "But you can't apparate from inside Grimmauld Place." George said.

"Since when?" I asked appalled.
"Since yesterday," Chorused the twins.

"Dumbledore's doing," Fred explained, "so no one can sneak out again."

"So what am I supposed to do?" I wondered, "I can't apparate from outside because of under aged magic. I could take the night bus but it's really loud and someone would probably hear me leave..." I was at a loss. Nothing I could think of would work.

"Or-" Fred began.
"We could take-"
"The supper-"
"Secret passage-"
"Out of the house-"
"That Sirius-"
"Showed us." Fred finished.

"There's a secret passageway out of the house?" I asked surprised and intrigued.

The twins nodded. "It's an escape route of sorts," George explained, "Sirius said he used it all the time as a kid."

I smiled, "That'll work!" I exclaimed.

"And then we can side along apparate you to the place your supposed to meet Malfoy." Fred added.

"And he can take the three of us to Malfoy Manor," George concluded.

"The three of us?" I asked, worried.

The twins nodded solemnly, "We go where you go."


It was midnight and everyone was asleep. Everyone but me and two red heads. We were currently sneaking down to the kitchen guided by three lit wands.

When we reached the kitchen I went to turn on the light. Before I could the light blazed to life.

"What are you three up to?" A calm voice asked. The three of us whipped around to see Remus sitting calmly at the table with a cup of hot chocolate.

"H-hey Remus." I said trying to hide my guilt.

"Hello cub," Remus said with a smile. "You three aren't going to meet Mrs. Granger at Malfoy Manor. Are you?"

"You know?" I asked in surprise.

Remus' face softened. "Yes cub, I know."

"And you haven't told anyone?" The twins asked incredulously.

"Of course not," Mooney said with a smile.
"It's for the best," He added sadly. "I assume you know how to get out of the secret tunnel?"
Fred and George nodded. "Good I'll see you three soon." Remus said with a smile.
He turned back to his hot chocolate.

As we were walking to the passageway Remus grabbed my hand. "Be safe cub," he said, "And remember I love you."

"I love you too Mooney." I said wrapping one of my favorite adults in a hug.

Chapter ten done! I hope you like it. Please tell me how I'm doing. I love friendly feed back. Till next time,
All my love, Lucille

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