03: Knockturn Alley

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POV Hermione

I'd been wandering Knockturn Alley for almost an hour but I was no closer to finding someone or something that could help me. Confused, upset, tired, and more then a little scared I was giving up hope.

Suddenly a display case caught my eye. Behind fairly clean glass was a shelf full of large leather bound books. Moving closer I could see many different sized shelf's full of many different books. All around the shop were large leather chairs that looked incredibly inviting. I looked to the right of the window and saw a door on which was written: Books for the lost before they are found.
Intrigued I stepped through the door and wandered through the shop for a bit. It didn't take me long to find a service counter on which sat a little brass bell. I rang the bell and waited but no one answered. I even called behind the counter but I received no response.

At that point I wasn't sure what to do but my curiosity quickly got the best of me. I grabbed a book off one of the shelf's at random and walked towards a chair by the fire. It didn't take long for me to get lost within the book pages.

After some unknown time I heard the sound of a throat clearing. I looked up to see Mr. Malfoy standing in front of me, a sneer on his face. "What are you doing mudblood?" He said rudely.

"Reading," I said returning his rudeness, "go away." I added all emotion gone from my voice.

"I can see that your reading," he said, "What I meant was why are you here in Knockturn Alley? Shouldn't you be with the order plotting our downfall?"

My eyes filled with tears and I said, with more malice than I have ever felt, "I hate the order. They killed my parents for no good reason!"

Mr. Malfoy seemed shocked and tried to say something but I kept going. "Why would they do that? What's the point? I don't trust them any more. It's clear the orders rotten and if they are rotten then maybe," I paused and looked straight into Mr. Malfoy's eyes, "maybe the enemy isn't."

"What do you want Ms. Granger?" He asked softly.

"I want to know the truth. I want to know what's really going on."

He nodded, seemingly pleased with my response, "Then come with me." He told me offering me his arm.

I hesitated. Logically this all made sense. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that. But logic aside I was a mess. A mess that didn't know who to trust.

"It's alright Ms. Granger," Mr. Malfoy said, "I promise no harm will come to you."
I nodded and took his hand. And then we apparated away.

Hello lovelies! I hope you like this chapter! The next should be up soon. What is your favorite HP movie? I love the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Anyhow all my love, Lucille

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