06:The 'Dark' Lord

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Hermione POV

When I walked into the dinning room several things happened in quick succession. First, at least three people rose from their seats and pointed their wands in my face. Then the Draco Malfoy pulled me behind him with a growl! He actually growled! As I was still trying to process what had happened a young man stood up from his seat at the head of the table.

"That's enough," He said somehow being both firm and kind at the same time. "Ms. Granger is a guest in this house. I assure you my friends she will not harm anyone under this roof. In fact I hope to one day call her an ally." With that those with their wands in my face took their seats. I heard several of them sheepishly mutter, "Sorry my lord." or something along those lines. That caused me to break into laughter.

This young man was Lord Voldemort? He certainly wasn't the snake face menace Harry had described. For one thing he had a nose, and was surprisingly handsome. And for another he clearly had manners, which was more than I could say for Ron. He was also incredibly young and, as far as I could tell, sane.

My laughing seemed to concern Draco who said with worry, "Are you alright?"

I nodded trying to get a hold of my laughter, "Yes... Sorry... It's just... You certainly aren't what I pictured." I said starting to laugh again as I pointed a Voldemort.

He smiled and chuckled, "Yes I'm sure I'm not. Were you expecting some who looked more like this?" He asks pointing his wand and changing into the nose less red eye monster I was expecting. I nodded understanding dawning.

"You see Lord Voldemort is-"

"A disguise," I said interrupting Voldemort as he spoke, "At least this face is. You use it to play some part, perhaps to keep your secrets."

Voldemort chuckled, "Yes, yes it is. No wonder Draco brags about how intelligent you are." At this Draco, who would deny it until his last breath, blushed. I wondered what that was about but didn't get the chance to think much about it because Cissa spoke.

"Tom, I understand you want to explain things to Hermione. However she did not eat lunch and she's had a rather long day. Perhaps she could sit and eat as you speak." I smiled. I quiet liked Narcissa's fussing. Instead of trying to control me the way Mrs. Weasly dose, she seemed to genuinely care about me. It made me happy and I felt safe. I hadn't expected too feel like that again after my mother died. As Voldemort nodded and smiled fondly at her I knew Harry and I had made the right choice.

At Voldemort's nod Draco, who had still been standing protectively in front of me, lead me to a seat near his mother. Once I was sitting Narcissa quickly made sure I had food on my plate before gesturing to Voldemort to continue.

"First off all Ms. Granger please call me Tom. As you said Voldemort is simply a disguise, however it is not one I made." Tom, who had removed the glamour and sat down, began. "Since you are here I am sure you are aware of Dumbledore's manipulations. Or at least some of them." I nodded as I ate some delicious mashed potatoes even though it wasn't a question. "What I'm sure you don't know is the why, or how deep the manipulation goes."

"Once the old coot defeated Grindelwald he had complete and utter control over the magical world, even though all, save some few, were oblivious to the fact." Tom paused for a moment. In the silence I thought it over as I at some expertly cooked green beans. It made sense. Especially considering what I had read and what Dumbledore still gets away with. Tom continued as I moved on to some steak, "He loved the power, it was what he had wanted after all. However he knew it wouldn't last forever. Unless of course there was someone else he could save the world from. And who better to be the villain in his twisted scheme than a young wizard with new ideals that already had a great number of 'followers'." Tom paused for a moment and looked down, sad. "I wanted to change the wizarding world for the better. My 'followers' were actually my friends who shared my vision. We worked hard to try and bring about change the right way. Sadly I didn't know what Dumbledore was planning until it was to late. To this day I don't know how he did it. But he managed to make me, Tom Marvolo Riddle, nothing more than a memory and began Voldemort's reign of terror. Non but my closest friends knew the truth. The death eaters do exists but they are Dumbledore's followers, not mine. Some belong to the order while those such as the Potters and Black didn't realize who the true Dark Lord was." Suddenly Tom stopped and looked me in the eyes, clearly very serious, "I did not kill the Potters, I have never killed unless absolutely necessary. And while I may practice 'dark magic' it is only with the goal of ending this imaginary war Dumbledore has created."

I smiled kindly at Tom as I sat my fork down, my plate now empty, "Thank you Tom. You have given me much to think about. For now let me say that I believe you. However I do not know what to do at the moment. As Narcissa said earlier I have been through a great ordeal and I need time to rest and think. I have many questions, perhaps we could talk some time tomorrow?" Tom nodded and I continued, "For now I think I will go to bed. Thank you for the wonderful meal." And with that I stood and left the room.

For a moment I stood in the hallway trying to calm my thoughts. Once I felt I could think clearly I called Nadia who wasted no time in showing me to my room.

"Would miss like tea? Or perhaps a bath?" Nadia asked as we entered my room.

"I'd love a bath in the morning," I said thinking of the beautiful bathtub in the bathroom. "But for now pajamas and bed I think."

Nadia nodded and left for a moment and returned with the most comfortable pair of pajamas I had ever seen. It was a set of long sleeved purple silk pajamas that matched the bed spread and Nadia had brought a pair of matching fuzzy slippers. "You can leave what you are wearing now on the bench in the bathroom miss and I will make sure it's cleaned and hung back up in the closet."

"Closet?" I asked not remembering seeing it in the room.

Nadia nodded, "Yes it's through a door in the bathroom."

I nodded as well and went to change. I left the clothes on the bench as Nadia had asked looking in the mirror for a moment to take my hair out as well. When I went back into my bedroom Nadia was waiting with a vial in hand. "Lady Malfoy asked me to give this to you miss," She said handing me the vial. "Lady Malfoy said it was a dreamless sleep potion." Nadia explained and I smiled.

"Please thank Narcissa for me. And before you go could you braid my hair?" Nadia nodded and quickly did my hair in a single braid.

"Would you like me to turn off the lights miss?" Nadia asked once she was done.

I shook my head. "I only need to say Nox right?" Nadia nodded and so I said, "Then your free to go for tonight. Please wake me so I have enough time to bathe before breakfast."

"Of course miss." And with that Nadia was gone, probably to clean my clothes before going to sleep herself.

The moment she was gone I rushed to my handbag, which was sitting on the bed side table. The moment I reached it I pulled out the enchanted parchment and a quill and ink. After a moment of thought I quickly wrote:

I am safe at the place we disused. I have much to tell you but I think it should wait until we are face to face. Please don't do anything risky and stay safe. Love, Hermione

With that done I put the parchment and writing utensils back in my hand bag. I then drank the potion Narcissa gave me and sat the vile on the bed side table. After climbing under the covers of my oh so soft bed I whispered a soft 'nox' and sank into oblivion.

Hello again! Forget about what I said about chapter seven. Chapter seven will be from Snape's POV and chapter eight from Harry's. I know what I said but insperation struck and I have to follow through. Till next time!
All my love, Lucille

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