12: Family

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Blaise POV

I was eating breakfast with Mother, Father, and Joshua when a house elf popped into the dining room. "Sorry for interrupting miss," the elf said addressing mum. "But a letter from Gringotts has come for you."

"Thank you Tootsie," Mum said politely before taking the letter from the elf.

"Why would Gringotts be writing to you?" Father asked curiously.

"I have no idea," Mother responded as she opened the letter. I looked back to my plate and continued eating as Mother's eyes scanned the parchment.

I looked back up when I heard mother gasp. Her eyes filled with tears. "What's wrong Ambra?" Father asked as he stood and placed his hands on mum's shoulders. Mum didn't say a word, simply passed father the letter. Dad's eyes scanned the letter quickly before his eyes widened.

"Tootsie!" He called. The elf appeared with a pop and a bow, "please fetch all our cloaks and prepare  the floo. We are leaving for Gringotts."

"Yes sir," Tootsie said with another bow before popping away again.

"Why dad?" Joshua asked standing.

Mum smiled brightly through her tears. "Your siblings have been found!" She exclaimed, "There at Gringotts as we speak!"

"What!" I exclaimed, "Brielle and Barrett are at Gringotts?" I asked, my voice full of hope.
Mother nodded and I couldn't put my cloak on fast enough.

Moments later I was exiting the floo behind my father and practically bouncing as I followed mother to the nearest desk.

"Good morning master goblin," mother said politely. "We received a summons."

"Ah yes," the goblin said looking up from the gold he was counting. "Welcome Lady Zabini. I assume you know where the vault manager's offices are?" Mother nodded, "good. Walk down that hall until you come upon Lady Malfoy. She is waiting for you, as are the others."

Mother raised an eyebrow when she heard Narcissa was here but she did not question it. Instead she thanked the goblin and led our family in the given direction. When Lady Malfoy came into view mother sped up until she was embarrassing her friend. "Is it true Narcissa," mother asked. Narcissa simply nodded.

With Narcissa's confirmation I did something I haven't done in years. I closed my eyes and focused on the triplet bond. Instead of the severed lines I normally encountered I felt the bond flair to life.

"We're here Blaise," two voices said through the connection.

"Mum," I said hesitantly, "I can feel them. Through the bond, there really here."

Mum's eyes once again filled with tears. "Where?" She asked to no one in particular. Before her question could be answered a door opened.

"Welcome Zabini family, and thank you for replying to my summons so quickly," The goblin who had opened the door said. "I am Shrax and I will be assisting you today. Please come in." He added opening the door the rest of the way.

All dignity forgotten the four of us practically stampeded into the room, Mrs. Malfoy followed in amusement at a more sedate pace. "Where are my children?" Mother asked seeing the empty room.

"They will be here shortly. They are with a goblin healer making sure the ritual they had to undergo had no negative side effects." Shrax explained taking a seat behind his desk. "Please sit."

Mum and dad each took one of the two chairs in front of Shrax's desk while Joshua and Narcissa sat in some chairs off to the side. I remained standing, too nervous to sit. After a few minutes of tense silence there was a knock on the office door.

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