"What are you doing here"

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The sun hit my face as soon as I stepped off the plane.
"Excuse me?"
A woman about in her 20's asked.
"Um yeah?"
"May you look after my daughter while I go and use the bathroom?"
"Mm sure" why not ?.
A little girl about 4 approached me and looked me up and down
"Your really pretty, will I be that pretty when I grow up?" She asked.
"Your going to be beautiful when your older"
"Really!" She said her eyes in amazement.
As I was about to finish my sentence someone bumped into me. "Watch the f-u" I looked down at the girl "-d-g-e. Fudge where your going!" I screamed. I looked up into the eyes of my brown haired brother. Wow he grew abs! And he is taller and different. " well, hello there beautiful, what's your name?"
I looked at him in disgust as I nearly vomited! "Dude! Stop hitting on your sister"
"Sister? Huh?..... Sister?... MIA?!?"
"No Ariana grande"
"Wow, you've grown" he hugged me. " and your all different and... You have a kid ?"
" I do not have a kid do you take me for some kind of slut!" I shouted. The WHOLE airport became quiet and heads whipped around to look at me.
"Nothing to see here losers"
I shouted
"S-l-u-t, slut" the little girl pronounced.
Oh shit I stared eyes wide open and before I had time to retaliate, her mother came into view.
"Mummy what does slut mean?"
"Pardon ?"
" errr.. I wonder where she got that from, anyway I gotta go nice meeting you..."
"Yh Maria, bye"
I speed walked off dragging my brother behind me we walked until we came to the car park where my brother opened the car door to a white nissian. "Sweet! How did you afford this!"
" don't you worry about that honey" he said pinching my nose. I rolled my eyes and got into the car. However I notice two other figures in the car. "Why are you two here"
"And who's the chick" the deep voice said as soon as I talked. " it's mia" my brother answered as Zach and the blonde bimbo Chloe turned to face me in disgust. "Ewwww look at her hair, so last season" Chloe said. As soon as I heard her little high pitched voice I turned to open the door however my brother stopped me. "Please just stay in the damn car I have no time to run around for you! Such a brat" he whispered under his breath. As a tear slid down my cheek and the whole ride home was silent until the car came to a stop " sister I want you to meet my best friend and his girlfriend" that's when I stormed into the house of hell.

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