Date, mistakes and stakes

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When Zach knocked on my front door my heart suddenly stopped, it was 6 o clock which was the exact time that Zach would come to pick me up for our date. I had a grey skirt with a black turtleneck top and my grey trainers. I had my grandads locket on with my ring earing and I let my hair out in is natural waves with mascara and lipgloss. so when Zach called me beautiful and drove off to the area of where our date was held my heart just stopped completely. "Hey um Mia are you alive, I hope I didn't kill you because your hands are very cold and you have no pulse" said said with worry in his voice.
I let out a big breath. "I'm alive I was just..." Zach raised one of his eyebrows "just.... seeing how long I can go with holding my breath"
"Why" he asks as amusement clearly showed in him voice"
"Because it's ermm... fun?" I said sounding uncertain as I scratch the back of my neck.
"Fun?" He askes and he takes a glance at me while I blush from embarrassment. he chuckles.
"May you not do that again because I rather keep you alive for this date" he says me hike laughing.
"Sure, whatever floats you boat" I say as I stare at the scenery outside the window.

An hour layer the car comes to a stop. we are in the middle of nowhere. Zach suddenly gets out and takes my hand then he lifts me up to get me in the hood of the car then comes and sits next to me wi a picking in his hand. " moonlight picnic?" He says while smiling. My smile is even bigger. we start to tuck in as I eat the stake he cooked it's actually quite good. " so what's the real reason you moved away with you stuck up ass" he asked wile he chuckles ibsuddenly tensed." I'm not stuck up I'm confident and you don't need to know why I moved away it's non of your business" I answer suddenly pissrd off. "I'm sorry Mia u just.. didn't worry you don't have to answer"
"No it's fine I'll tell you" I said then I carried on" you lot picking on me I couldn't handle it anymore you see my mum she used to bully me at home but only my friends knew not even my own father noticed the bruises on my skin, so I used to self harm. one night it was so bad Zach so bad I was actually going to end my life. until my mum begged me not too cause she said she would to to prison and whatnot she didn't even car if I died she just didn't want to be in trouble that same time maddision walked in because she was suppose to have a sleepover at mine but I totally forgot and Renee trailed behind her. then Maddison was tying to get me to stop and she finally stopped me and I cried so hard that night it was truly the worst night of my life, I found boy the same thing happened to my sister and brother"
"Brother?" Zach asked confused
" uh I have another one but it's the same reason perfection my mum wants someone like Chloe and when she didn't get her I guess she wanted to make herself feel better she said she likes jake cause he is in the football team he gets the girls ectetra but I dont understand because no one is perfect. so she wanted to send me away she was hoping I wouldn't come back but my father let me only go for 2 years he convinced her but everyone was told that it was to make me get smarter" I said as more tears spilled down my cheek.
Zach enclosed me with a hug.
"Mia she is probably trying to create someone who she couldn't be don't beat yourself up about it" Zach said kissing the top of my head. for a minute we both looked into each other's eyes and we both started leaning in.soon enough I felt his warm soft lips on mine. suddenly he pulled back. "Mia will you be my girlfriend"
"Yes" I said before I had time to change my mind.

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