Chapter 2

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Izuku pov.

It has been about 2 years since I met mrs Marinette and recived the black cat ring which I had discovered had magical abilities and that is how I met Plagg The god of destruction who is also my now my sensei and teaches me how to keep my powers under control. Due to the first time I used my power, I scrached all off my kinderguarden classmates faces, leaving them with permanent scars. After that insident I became known as "the first male with a quirk or power" and every girl who had bullied me in the past had just left me alone (but to be honest I think they keep away just because they are scared that I will ruin their pretty faces), not to mention I started to recive attention from the adults and female hero's and so I decided that I would use my powers for the greater good and become the first male hero.

3 rd persons POV.

Bakugou still hadn't reaturned due to her surgery, she was still away but the teachers sent her homework. Izuku was no longer being bullied anymore and he defended other boys who were being bullied since he stood up and showed people a side of him that needed to be under lock and key. Anyways Izuku has been training with Plagg to move faster and hit harder as well as keeping his powers under control and unlocking new abilities. Not only that but Izuku could take a literally!.....he got by the older girls who studied in the other school building and they tried to beat him up and show him his place. Key emphasis on the 'tried' part though. Izuku learned that hitting his body in full speed was like running straight into a monster truck. Almost all the bullies in school found out the hard way. Not only that Izuku just had the best birthday ever. Plagg's gift to Izuku was a set of headphones which had cat ears.

 Plagg's gift to Izuku was a set of headphones which had cat ears

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(Just bretend the lights are neon green)

He was really happy and woke up six seconds before his alarm went off. Izuku got up, ran into the bathroom, showered, brushed his teeth, put on his clothes, packed his bag and went to greet his mother. Who had returned a day and a quarter months ago. She and Izuku greeted each other and ate katsudon while talking about where to go on school break. He then finishedhis meal and was putting on his shoes when his mom asked him "Izuku you know I could walk you to school, right?"

Inko just smiled at his responce. Ever since he mat Plagg, he hanged for the better, he still stuttered but he was really responsible and helped her around the house more often then usual. She knew he would grow up to be a great hero, even greater than all mighty herself.

Izuku then said bye as he closed the door and walked towards his school with headphones on. They were playing at max so anyone near him could hear the lyrics.

"Ouch!" Izuku grunted as he collided with someone. "I'm so sor-ry I-I wasn't lo-"

Izuku, is that you? Izuku looked up to see a woman with blond spiky hair.

"Aunti Mitsuki!! Your back!"Izuku shouted, while hugging her.

"Well look at you all grown up, you look like your two years older than your messy black hair anywhere."Mitsuki said "Oh! Where's Inko? Did you lose her Izuku?" Mitsuki questioned. "No I'm a big boy now! he replied" Well see ya auntie I've got to get to school. Byeeee.

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